A lone Serekin slithered into the room, carrying with him a report on the Xeno activity. He presented it before Hathax, bowed and left. Hathax turned from his conversation with another Serekin to read on what his spies found. The Xenos made landfall but they are sticking to the surface. The report included mentions of biomechanical constructs and manned vehicles. Lastly it ended with their message, and how one translation was in the human language. ‘This is not a good time to entertain guests…’ Hathax thought. ‘They do not seem to show hostility, yet at least. We can tolerate them for now I suppose, though Tyoss will be agitated. Need to find something to occupy her. Given the situation I think I can convince the others to forget the aggression for now, at least if these xenos are not human. I need more information, and make sure they do not interfere with our plans…’ Ending on that, Hathax turned back to the other Serekin. Immediately one could tell this Serekin was out of place. Wearing intricate armor fully covering its body to contrast with the robes that Hathax and the other Serekin nearby wore. This warrior wore no branding of any clan but had a symbol indicating that this is a Hera’Yiss, a Serekin that serves long after its natural life has expired. Underneath that armor was a heart still beating thanks to very invasive cybernetics and queer alchemical concoctions. This one in particular was a kind augmented for stealth and subterfuge. Tying strings to be pulled or striking with surgical precision as needed, they exclusively are in service to Hathax and his spy clan. “How many cycles have you served?” Hathax asked the warrior. “672 inactive in stasis, 128 active in a passive role, 32 active for assignments.” The Warrior hissed. “And what of your mental state? How far has it degraded?” “I feel Nyagoth’s influence, but his pull is weak. Estimated 7 to 10 cycles remaining, recommend reclamation in 6 cycles.” “Good, we have plenty of time before Nyagoth claims you back. There are xenos on the surface, doing a survey. Before you woke, and before these xenos came, the council decided on taking action against aggression in a distant part of the galaxy. At this moment, creating an additional conflict is not preferred. You will go wake your brothers and patrol the boarder of our domain and the surface. Any xeno incursions on our border must be impeded and rerouted without being noticed, do not make yourself known and avoid direct conflict as the situation permits. If they come into our territory, you can engage as you see fit. Any activity on the surface will be tolerated for now. Lastly, ensure no Serekin travels to the surface without permission. The clanless sometimes likes to scavenge, you can use any means necessary to prevent their travel past the border. Now go and get your brothers then return to me, I will have specifics then.” The warrior bowed and slithered out, leaving Hathax alone. Hathax decided to draft a response to the xenos announcement. So, this ‘Nexus’ knows what the Serekin are willing to tolerate, and fortunately they do seem to share one language in common. [hr] [center]Some time later[/center] An invisible agent slipped from the darkness, swapping it for the dim light of the night on the surface. Though he is not expected to come across the xenos if he is expedient, he has something to leave behind where it can be found. Gliding across the ground with haste, it is likely the agent will make the drop in time. Within a few minutes, the agent found a suitable spot. The air had enough of that foreign stench and was disparate. They had been here many times, but currently are absent. The agent grabbed something from a compartment, a stone tablet that materialized as it left the affects of the agent’s personal cloaking. The tablet was etched with a response to the Nexus’ presence. With the task finished, the Serekin agent returned the way he came and slinked back to the depths, the only trace being the groove in the ground and the message left behind. [center]Surface dwellers, your announced presence here is unappreciated. We tolerate your actions on the surface but we will not tolerate any transgressions into our domain in the depths. If you are found in our territory, actions will be taken. Stay protected in the light, or the darkness may consume you. For future communication, leave a message. We will find it and we will respond as we see fit.[/center]