[hr][hr] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/bastille-vredeburg-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210120/aed880a007384614dd1e5150642bf5a1.png[/img][/url] [color=8FA4CA]— [color=#918ABB][b]۵[/b] [b]۞[/b] [b]۵[/b][/color] —[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TeDapcy.gif[/img] [color=8FA4CA][sup][b]Location:[/b] Hades Cabin - Camp Half-Blood; New York.[/sup] [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Dorian Underwood ([@King Kindred]), Elias Schneider ([@Metztli]), Greyson Davies & Tyler Rumancek ([@Moro]), Kyrin Nahng ([@Rodiak]), and Spencer McNight ([@Zenritch]).[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] There were so many voices... so many opinions. The talking polluting the air of the normally serene atmosphere of her cabin; it barely came across as communication. Bickering... jabs... sarcasm... Everyone there was speaking words, but to her, it was just coming across as nothing more than white noise. She could barely hear the sound of her own thoughts over it. It was far more overwhelming than she'd like to admit; and all too soon, as her breathing hitched, becoming a little quicker than it had been, she found herself just wanting to tune it all out. To shut it off- to just ignore everything that was going on around her; but they weren't going to let that happen. Any of them. They'd all made that more than clear; hell, it was, after all, the reason they were all occupying space in her living room. A place that hadn't seen this many guests in... well, ever. Entertaining; it just-... it wasn't her thing... not anymore. Unfortunately, this particular group had missed those days by quite a bit. Four years ago, and maybe they would have had better luck... [color=662d91]"Have you heard of systematic desensitization? If you're not comfortable jumping to Italy right away, then don't. In fact, it might be the better call since we don't know if we'll be walking right into a trap if we head there right away. Instead, we could start from my old home in Wales and then make the drive to Italy. If all goes well, we could get there in half a day, anyway. Besides, you aren't the only one who's due for a homecoming."[/color] [color=#3EA99F][b]"Oh yeah, mate? Yau gonna throw a party for the threi of us, then? I'm quit' overdju' to sei my family, as well. I don't' really car' for the way yau're bossing her araund either. Why don't' yau giv' her the chanc' to talk, or even think, for Zeus's sak'. This is her quest', I'd suggest' yau keip that' in mind, [i]son[/i]."[/b][/color] Great... there they went again. Dropping her head, Erin once more stared down into her tea; her fingers curling a little tighter around the outside of the mug. Trying her best to ignore the back and forth going on between her cousin and the eldest son of Thanatos. One moment-... One moment of peace; even if just to give her a moment to think. Was that really too much to ask..? Clearly. Shutting her eyes, Erin's brows furrowed together; and all too soon she felt herself fighting the urge to shed anymore tears. Though she was simply fighting a losing battle on all fronts, and a few tears escaped to roll silently down her cheeks, her cousin's words drew back into focus. [color=#3EA99F][b]"Erin, this unfortchunately falls on yau, luv. As [i]he[/i] said befor', we're all her' for yau.. that' doesn't' mean yau hav' to tak' every one of us in her' with yau. Yau hav' the pick of the litter, cous. Yau are going to hav' to think abaut' this and choos' wisely. This quest' is going to neid to be completed with the utmost' car', as will picking aut' yaur mates to go with yau."[/b][/color] Think... was that a joke..? And choose..? She had to [i]choose[/i] who went with her... Grip tightening even further, the tea held within the mug began to tremble lightly along with her arms. How was that at all fair..? Expecting her to [i]willingly[/i] put the people saw every day- people she, whether liking to admit it or not, cared about in the path of danger, and all in order to save her own ass. Her stomach - empty, thank Gods - lurched. It made her sick just to so much as think about, let alone think about actually having to set her own pride aside long enough to admit that, despite everything, she really did need their help. [color=#B7B7B7]"From what I could understand from Greyson, I agree. This is Erin's quest, but it's not a normal one. Someone's behind the curtains and pulling the strings to make this happen. It's best to be prepared for anything that comes our way. Starting in Wales may be a good idea, but driving isn't. We already have our regularly scheduled monsters to worry about once we leave the barrier, but we don't know who's framing Erin or what they may be planning to stop us. Driving at the very least leaves you as a target."[/color] Her heart sunk, and Dorian's words only served to make her feel worse. If he went with her and something happened to him-... ..she'd never be able to forgive herself... [color=54626f]"Erin, we believe in you. Even if you don't believe in yourself, believe in us. In everyone here at camp who is willing to help you. You are strong. You can do this."[/color] Lost in the labyrinth of thoughts plaguing her mind, it was only when she felt the tender touch of someones hand upon her shoulder that she was drawn back to the present. Her lips parting at the seams as her head raised up. Her dark eyes drawing up the familiar figure before her until, finally, her eyes were met by the kindness and concern filled gaze of Kyrin. And just like that; he had her attention. [color=54626f]"You're not going to die. Whoever you choose to go with you will not let you die. You're not allowed to die, okay?"[/color] She swallowed. Hard. Or at least, she tried to anyway. [color=#918ABB][i]'Die'[/i][/color]. She heard his words- knew what they meant; but that was the only one that repeated over and over in her mind. If she failed this, or if she just rolled over and gave up without even trying, she was going to die. Her stomach gave another lurch, and this time, it was worse. Reaching out with her mug, shoving it back towards Tyler, though not bothering to even so much as check to see whether or not he had it before she let go, Erin rose to her feet, [color=#918ABB]"..I just-... I think I need a moment... I'm sorry..."[/color] Her opposite hand lifting, the side of her knuckle pressing to her mouth as she slipped her way past Kyrin and the others in the room; Erin's free hand reached for the banister once she'd reached the stairs. Taking them two at a time. Though once she'd reached the landing, she didn't stop. There were just so many voices... so many opinions being thrown at, and around her; how was she expected to make any choices..? It was fine for them; most of them had done this sort of thing before, but, she hadn't. She wasn't like them. In theory it might have been simple, but there was just so much more to it than that; it was far more complicated, and she just couldn't bring herself to jump head-first into something like this. She needed a moment alone. A few minutes to just... [i]think[/i]. Barely registering what she was doing, her mind continued to dwell on her own thoughts of doom and gloom as she rounded into her quiet bedroom, it was as though she was on auto-pilot. Her feet moving on their own accord, carrying her across the room and towards the darkest corner. And just like that, she was gone. Her figure passing through the shadows and out of sight.