Livened up by her energetic but ultimately harmless display, Sinmara glanced around. Naturally she attracted a little intention, but if the others wanted nothing to do with her before, she couldn't expect them to now. Only Yumi continued looking her way, but the blonde girl's face bore neither appreciation nor vitality. If anything she looked haunted, as if something dark had reached her from the shadows cast by Sinmara's flames. The demon girl immediately went over to her new friend, putting a supportive hand on her shoulder. “Hey, you okay?” She wasn't, and tentatively shed some light on the pain welling up from her history. Confused and a little alarmed by what exactly Yumi's initial statement, meant, Sinmara watched Yumi stare at her shoes. “Well...that sounds damn nefarious! You should tell the police or something.” she could only exclaim, her tone sympathetic. “How could anyone think you're a monster, anyway? You don't even have horns! A while ago, I'm pretty something made me go nuts. Made a big mess, so these people took me in.” She gestured broadly to the Sunderer facility. “For my own good. They've been helping me get better since. So if anything, I'm the monster.” That was one role Sinmara didn't mind fulfilling. She couldn't exactly go against her own nature, after all. Compared to what Yumi apparently went through, she found herself more grateful than ever that the doctors here were so dedicated to helping her get better. Soon after, a woman appeared whose face Sinmara new from the board. This, it seemed, would be her instructor. Her dress and manner suggested a youthful wholeheartedness that persisted well into adulthood, and likely would for many years to come. She wasted no time in greeting her students and bidding them follow her to her room. Some of the girls seemed reluctant to get moving, but with a final pat on Yumi's back Sinmara jogged to the front of the procession. If Sapphire made a face upon recognizing her, she ignored it. “Heya, teach! I'm Sinmara. Maybe you heard of me? I've been around for a while, but they figured I ought to join an official class, even thought I'm a few years older than everyone else. How cool is that? I can't remember how old I am anyway, so it works out!” She spoke with a smile, clearly not registering that last point as a problem. On the way to the room she kept pace with Sapphire, only restraining herself from running ahead in excitement with the knowledge that she didn't know where to go. “So, what all are we gonna be learnin'? I mean, Doc said I'd be learnin' how to be a real Sunderer, but what does that mean exactly?”