[@spiral origin] Your friends are now slaves. They have not been informed of this. [@BrobyDDark] you power up like goku, if goku's power level was equivalent to the caffeine in one cup of coffee. [@Moth] You drink some coffee, the classy way of powering up like goku. Error: Cannot do two things at once, unbelievably. My immersion is ruined. Error: Not enough resources to start an off-topic post, so you post into the void of one of the dead threads instead. Nothing comes of this, but it [i]is[/i] cathartic. >[ ] Think up Ideas >[ ] Surf the Forum >[ ] Drink some Coffee >[ ] Make an Off-Topic Post [2 familiarity, 5 ideas, 3 energy] >[ ] Make a Group Chat [3 familiarity, 4 ideas, 4 energy ] [b]Resources:[/b] [indent]2 / 3 [color=151617][s]Friends[/s][/color] Slaves 8 / 25 Energy 1 / 25 Ideas 2 / 25 Familiarity 2 / 15 Curiosity [/indent]