Big red simply watched the conversation happening between the Archer and the Smith. Both girls had way more charisma than himself. Archer was small, cute, and fluffy. Druid girl was nice, cute, and apparently her chest was something the human males desired. A price was given for the scrap, and another was given for the quality goods. Which...probably came from this very shop. The knives and sword were too shiny and new despite the goblins short treatment of them. All of this despite the bean-poles negative input. Did the boy think metal just grew on trees? It came from old metal, ores, ingots which came from ores. Just because something was rusty didn't mean you couldn't get it off. Or melt it down to make something better. Thankfully the smith sent the youth into the back of the shop. They were also offered a discount due to his sons attitude issues. When asked his opinion on the matter he just shrugged. [color=red]"It's rude to turn down gifts."[/color] He replied while turning his attention to the items of the shop. Blades, bludgeons, axes, armors, shields, a lot of options. Druid Girl seemed like she wanted to turn down the offer, but the blacksmith talked her into it. Repeat customers were always good for a business. Better than one and dones, although the big red reptile guessed the porcelains either moved towns or died in the field...or sewer. He didn't necessarily [b]need[/b] anything. But learning experiences from their previous job made him eye the shields more. A larger shield for better projectile protection would be handy and maybe one of the girls could use the buckler. It was barely two pounds of weight and it strapped onto the arm instead of needing to be held. [color=red]"How much for a kite shield?"[/color] He questioned while eying the wooden almond shaped piece of equipment. He could carry a lot of weight, even if he didn't use it all the time he could keep it on his person.