[b][i]Ashton and Flame[/i][/b] Ashton then said to Navi, "The two of us should move on - We need to meet our friends elsewhere. Perhaps we should go to the Mess Hall, or should we meet them at the cells right away?" Flame muttered, "The sooner we get out of here, the better. And I've already eaten." He looked at the Chief Medical Officer and said, "Again, we'll send someone to you in a moment - Just wait." And then without waiting for Ashton and Navi to continue, Flame walked towards the Medbay exit, hoping to move towards the cells. He did not want to be here once the shooting started. Potentially killing wounded and injured? That was a bridge too far. No, he wanted to kill the Ascendancy's soldiers when they were actually able to fight, not when they were down. Kicking someone when they were down? That reminded him of his father. Besides, there was always time for revenge later. [b][i]Blue Crow (NPC)[/i][/b] Blue Crow [i]shone[/i] with a silvery-white aura, bringing light back to the room while at the same time, Samuel and Iris' spells slowed down, giving the four mechanical warriors time to step backward, shooting at Samuel and Iris as they activated personal energy shields stronger than the normal Ascendancy model. As for Blue Crow himself, the man moved to draw a sword of highly-expensive Perfected Electrum and match Nero blow for blow, somehow able to see through the young man's underworld magic. The sword's blade then vanished, covered in an aura of force, but the fact that Blue Crow swung another flurry of cuts hinted that it was still there, just... Invisible. "Did they tell you that Kaisoken Dust worked only on [i]children[/i]?" the Bounty Hunter said to Nero. "For people who insist on fighting the Ascendancy, you Star Marines have a habit of believing what spews out of their mouths." After grabbing their attention with his words, Blue Crow then drew a pistol with another hand, a gun which glinted with Perfected Electrum and mother-of-pearl. This gun fired a blast of blazing light, which if it hit, damaged only inanimate gear and inflicted pain without injury to the living. Who was the target? Iris. [hider=Spells used by Blue Crow] Spell Reprieve (High) - Blue Crow can project a silvery-blue aura which allows him to slow the pace of any magic approaching or affecting him, thus allowing him time to act before its full effects manifest. The speed of the spell and its effects is reduced by a factor of one-third, down to 66% of the original speed. Supernal Vision (High) - Blue Crow can see all Magic, identify what School it is, and the strength of the spell. Penetrating Nonfatal Shot (High) - A bolt of enchanted energy which can break and penetrate the grand majority of barriers and armor, but under the ‘magical condition’ that it cannot kill. Ever. It can inflict pain, but it cannot inflict permanent injury or death to a living being. Artificial Intelligences count as beings who cannot be killed by this spell as well. However, nonliving barriers and armor are more easily damaged by this spell than by a plasma shot of equal power. [/hider]