[color=blue]"Nice to met you."[/color] Roxy replied. She didn't know how much of that was true but at least they seem open to her being around. She would take that. At least they hadn't rejected her. They seemed alright with her being her around Devika. How long that would last was still to be see. She watched the older couple interact. She couldn't really remember her parents interact. They had to but it couldn't have been that often since she didn't remember any. She shrugged when Devika indicated that they could leave when her parents started to debate. [color=blue]"It doesn't bother me."[/color] She responded honestly. [color=blue]"I'm not not picky. I'm fine with just about anything."[/color] Roxy assured them. She was open to whatever. This was their weekend. She was just here to help Devika deal with everyone's emotions. She wasn't really part of the concept.