Neil grinned at her as she stepped past them, glad to see they had both made it back alive. In fact his eyes followed her until she entered the ship whilst Taya had to snap her fingers in front of his face to bring him back to reality. Just as he came back to his senses, he realized Saxon was growing impatient and was more like as not to shoot the three they had with them. "Alright fellas, moment of truth. What'll it be?" Neil said. He had his experimental rifle trained on their position. Even Taya had a submachine gun, though Neil had made sure it was put on safety. The pilot never thought he'd find someone who was more impulsive with a firearm than he was, but he guessed anything was possible. The mutant gave a low 'hyuk hyuk hyuk,' a sound that would have been comical coming from a human but sounded downright bestial from his strong inner throat. He spoke in garbled Terran, tongue likely a bit too cumbersome and long for him to effectively communicate like his brethren. "S-s-o as l-long as we transmport y-you to where y-you need to gco, y-you'll let us l-live and be the bosses of what's l-l-left?" "As long as you treat the civilians right, sure. But we'll come back if you don't." Neil replied with a shrug. "N-n-no eating t-them?" "No, no eating them! ... I mean I guess you can eat jerks and stuff, but they had to have done something really terrible." Neil said and Taya giggled. He was glad the movement hadn't made her submachine gun go 'click.' "So, are you guys in or do we have to kill you?" "We're in." the Cyborg said merely a moment before Neil was certain Saxon would have obliterated them. The pervert seemed to have sobered up quite a bit, though Neil wasn't so sure he liked him like this. He seemed even more prone to being trigger happy than Taya. Saxon seemed unhappy he didn't get to destroy something, but Neil knew there would be plenty of that very soon. "I've always wanted to put a gun in that bitch's mouth and pull the trigger, and I have no love for the Spiders either. As long as you promise to get rid of them both, we're in." "SOLD!" Neil said, walking up and shaking the stunned cyborg's hand. "Good doing business with you. We don't have a document to sign, so we'll just use your lives as collateral." As soon as Junebug was ready, they would depart for the Drug Factory, just in time to meet the other forces of the Scorpions. [@Penny]