[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210102/04bd11e7fc562474def4f74fc6339e81.png[/img][/center] Dawnwing chuckled at her apprentice as the rest of the cats joined up with them, sharing greetings and introductions. [b]"No pretty sure I'm talking about you. I'm much too light to sink into the marsh."[/b] They must've been mentor and apprentice for some time to be able to speak back and forth so easily Hawkpaw mused as the rest of the cats joined them. He did already have his full name so it made sense. Maybe when she got older and more confident she and Blackmoon could speak more comfortably to each other. [b]"Nice to meet you,"[/b] Hailshine meowed kindly towards Blackmoon, noticing the discomfort and not wanting to overwhelm him. She padded towards Braveleap bumped her shoulder against his with a warm and teasing smile as she struck up a conversation with the tabby. Frostpaw's head snapped up towards Dew-whisker, amber eyes wide at her request before glancing towards where Hawkpaw stood with her eyes bright with excitement. [b]"Alright,"[/b] he mumbled; walking slowly towards the other apprentice. Of course she had to be one that actually wanted to talk and not just walk quietly. Finally someone who was the same age as her to talk with on this journey! He seemed shy and as Blackmoon leaned down to whisper in her ear she gave him a nod. She could keep a conversation going with little input from anyone else, but it was more fun when it was a back and forth, like the conversation she could hear going on behind her with the siblings and Addertongue, who seemed to have given up on his escapade with Stonefoot and was simply chatting with the two ThornClan cats. [color=00a651][b]"Hi!"[/b][/color] she chirped as Frostpaw finally reached her and they got back to moving towards DuskClan. [color=00a651][b]"Nice to meet you! It's great to have someone closer to my age on this journey now. Not that it isn't interesting to talk to the other warriors, but it feels a bit strange, right?"[/b][/color] [b]"Hello,"[/b] he spoke so quietly she had to prick her ears to catch what he was saying amongst the other conversations that were going on around them. [b]"Um, I guess so."[/b] At least he was talking, she racked her brain for something to talk about and settled for asking about what it was like living in the marshlands. That should be easy enough for him to answer questions about. "So how're things in MistClan?" Dawnwing asked Dew-whisker, her voice casual but also concerned that the other she-cat might be experiencing the same lack of contact as the other clans seemed to be.