[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200731/242471db9e9f8ec8b239158fed096f09.png[/img][/center] [color=#D1D0CE]Skua ate several other types of fruit, filling his stomach until he couldn't eat another of the strangely shaped morsels. He settled for digging his claw into the wood of the platform as he waited for the others to finish their meal. What was interesting to see was Aardwolf carefully peel his banana with tender claws, which only added on to the time it took for him to eat it. Why not just eat it with the skin? Was the inside sweeter than the outside? Hummingbird fluttered her wings at Aardwolf's praise. [b]"Oh, it's no big deal. Us RainWings don't really like causing trouble. Why bite and scratch each other when you can just solve things through words?"[/b] she piped. [color=7ea7d8][i]If that doesn't make me want to throw up, I don't know what will.[/i][/color] [b]"Lemur? You know him?"[/b] Hummingbird gasped in shock. Just when Skua thought she was going to ask Eclipse [i]how[/i] she knew a dragon from a tribe they had never seen before, she continued her blabbering. [b]"Who knows me?"[/b] Skua turned to look over his shoulder at where the voice came from. A large RainWing with strawberry-colored scales landed on the platform just as Hummingbird finished her sentence. Unlike Hummingbird, his colors were much easier to look at (though still as ridiculous, since he kind of bordered on pink rather than red) and his gaze was a deep maroon. Though timid curiosity laced his voice, his features were warm and accepting. Lemur's broad neck turned to look at the smaller RainWing. [b]"I heard about weird dragons showing up in camp, but I didn't expect them to be [i]this[/i] weird,"[/b] he laughed. Turning back to them, his expression hardened, though not with hostility or anger. [b]"You said you knew me? I don't think I've met any of you dragons before."[/b][/color]