Feng watched the interaction between elf and kobold before shaking his head. Apparently they knew when the enemy would be coming so they were led further onto the farm. Here they met the kobold chief, but was he the overall chief or just chief of the kobolds on the farm? Sighing they were led to the edge of the farm where more of the little furry yappers were positioned in a staggered line. Well that was smart, they didn't have big shields or a particularly powerful figure to hold up to a charge of...anything really. He always pictured kobolds to be hit and runners like goblins tended to be. Still the kobolds were growing more agitated before two ran out of the bushes, weapons in maws to use their canine bodies to really scamper. Were they scouts, were they leading the 'enimy' here? What was their purpose? Whatever, the giants eyes turned back towards the foliage just to see this little dinky bird creature come out and honk. He'd sigh, but he didn't forget that kobolds weren't much larger than this creature. What would be little baby cuts on him could be life-threatening wounds on the canines. The elf, Galain, approached the bird casually before whacking it across the head with his sheathed sword. Feng approached the downed animal and picked it up by its neck between his finger and thumb. He didn't get time to examine it when even more of the little feathered vermin rushed out of the foliage. Okay, the bird was a flock animal...a big flock. Dropping the first one to appear back to the ground his axe left his shoulder and was swept low across the ground with a single muscular arm. That sweep alone took out four of the little rushing creatures. their bodies weren't cut in twain as if it were a sword or even a metal axe. They were splattered and broken from the force of the blow, the stone axe acting more like a cudgel than a cutting took. His hand shifted, turning the weapon at the end of his controlled swing before it came back for another powerful sweep into the crowd of honking birds.