“Perform reconnaissance [i]only[/i]. Do not enter the building yet, nor engage in any hostilities.” Rareth said to Thebes before quickly returning her attention to the Agent. “Yes, this is the only time we have to do this. I would have brought this up earlier, had we not been attacked. We might be in a simulation, but we are still on Rothia. For as long as we are on my homeworld, you [i]do[/i] answer to me.” Rareth turned her head briefly to look up at the structure looming over them. “The being that brought us here has not yet shown any aggression towards us. I will lead the way, and I will take the risk, but I do expect you to stay your hand. By definition, the beings of this simulation are an uncontacted civilization within Rothian space, so it is the Rothian government which has jurisdiction over first-contact diplomacy. You said it yourself: Outremer needs help, and we have agreed to help you. So, do not trample upon our agreement and goodwill along with it. So, I ask again, is there anything the rest of us should know? You disappeared, then reappeared by seemingly impossible means. I cannot even be sure that you are the same Agent 595 that entered that cave. Your mind could have been influenced, or even replaced, by something in the simulation when you disappeared. If you could share your recording of the incident, sensor readings, the medical report from Knossos, anything that might help us understand what happened…that is all I want: transparency.” To reinforce her point, Rareth quickly sent the Sacred Band a copy of all of her recordings and other data from their time in the caves. Everything she saw, heard, and felt, they could access.