[center][color=aa44ff][h3]Trinity Stratos Phoenix Wing Guild Hall - The Bar[/h3][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7sxAzrd.png[/img] [hider=Outfit][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DhCXBjLWsAI1kde?format=png&name=medium[/img][/hider] [@Sanguine Rose][@MarshiestMallow][/center] "[color=aa44ff]Yeah.[/color]" She was done playing with Rajah, alright. Or talking to most people. When Jarvis passed her drink to her, she took just a moment to appreciate it. Jarvis, as she should have expected, noticed her mood almost immediately, something she figured he must have picked up from Jamie, if he wasn't sharp beforehand. Neil and Mark were both quick to follow up, she was really lucky to have met them. Mark even set his drink down before taking the sip he wanted. No brushing it off now. There was a large splash of water from behind her, and she thought of Karn immediately, but, no. Eddy would take care of him, she should speak. Trinity knew it wasn't just Brianna's sword that upset her, even though that's what set her off. She almost wanted to, but she shouldn't blame them. Entirely. A sip of her drink, a brief hesitation as she decided how to start, a breath to calm herself, "[color=aa44ff]you know I don't come around the guild much anymore,[/color]" haven't for a while. She looked at her teammates, "[color=aa44ff]if I'm not with you guys, I usually just end up feeling frustrated and out of place.[/color]" She took another sip and then clasped it between her hands to await the next, atop the counter. "[color=aa44ff]I feel like I can't really do anything anymore, compared to everyone else. I know that's not true, I'm not useless, but... It's hard not to feel that way when I'm surrounded by mages who make my current abilities look like [i]parlor tricks[/i].[/color]" She glowered into her drink, "[color=aa44ff][sub]and then I can't even defend myself against a [b]damn telepath[/b] without a [i]boost[/i]... Stupid sword.[/sub][/color]" She took a swig, letting the flavor fill her mouth and distract her from the surge of magic "noise" behind her. "[color=aa44ff]Wonderful as always, Jarvis. Thank you.[/color]" Even if it hadn't been alcohol, having a drink helped her to talk. She'd been keeping to herself for so long, her team was so supportive. She'd asked Neil for his help in her personal quest, but she hadn't really confided in them much, yet, beyond that. This aspect of her frustration had been all her own, because she had been worried her teammates would think they made her feel that way, too. The musician stared into her drink for a moment longer before taking another sip and swirling it idly after, "[color=aa44ff]Jasmine didn't like my collar joke on Rajah, either. Made her mad, I think... And I can't even play Big Band anymoooore,[/color]" she slumped forward onto the counter top with her arms stretched out in front of her, careful not to spill her drink. She made sure her glass wound up next to her head, and formed a glowing white straw over about five seconds, from the soft light of the guild hall. She didn't feel like needing to pick her head up to drink it. "[color=aa44ff]'s too many instruments ...sucks...[/color]"