[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]Maria Novikova[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ZJdFnym.png[/img] [I]Location: Skrull Prison Ship Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Maria sat in the corner of her cell, she wasnt sure how long she had been on the ship for the only thing that she was able to remember was leaving the HUB to go home. She didnt live on base like the rest of the members of the team did, she was refueling her car when Skrulls snuck up behind her had jabbed her with a needle knocking her out. Then waking up occasionally only for them to drug her again, this was the first time she had a clear mind in awhile, hearing the cell to her door opening. Seeing the skrull with a large needle approaching her, she waited until it was within arms reach when she struck the skrull let out a surprised screeching sound Maria managed to take off her glove. Maria used her life force absorption power on the skrull to knock it out. She slowly started to stumble out of the cell and started to look around, she peered into the cell next to hers seeing Johnny Storm was out cold still. The cell right next to Maria was occupied by Roman, she hears himt pounding up against the ray shield trying to getting her attention. "Reed!" he whisper-shouted. Maria turned her attention over towards the cell next to her, seeing that it was Roman, she remembered seeing him as a skrull back during the Christmas party not to long ago. [color=lightgreen]"Uhm, i'm not Cass give me a second."[/color] Maria said as she quickly went back into her cell, she was surprised that the alarms hadnt sounded off yet. She approached her captor and started to search its pockets, before finding the keycard to open up the cell and quickly went back out. [color=lightgreen]"Hopefully it's not going to ask for a code."[/color] Maria said as she took the card and swiped it looking over at him. [color=lightgreen]"Whats the last thing you remember?"[/color] She asked him. The ray shielding in front of the cell was shut off, allowing Roman to leave - or conversely, Maria to enter. Roman stared at her almost with disbelief. "Right, Smith, sorry... It's been a while," he then added. "Erm, how long.... has it been? The last thing I remember I was in San Fransisco, going out to buy Christmas presents." Maria took a step back letting Roman step out of his cell, and started to think for a moment she really wasnt sure how long she had been out. [color=lightgreen]"The last day I remember it was May Seventh."[/color] Maria said as she started to walk over towards the other two cells looking over at the Human Torch laying on the floor and unlocked the cell door with the keycard and handed it over towards Roman. [color=lightgreen]"Here open up the other cell."[/color] Maria told him, as Maria went to try and wake Johnny Storm up. Roman mouthed [i]May seventh[/i] to himself, with the creeping realization that he had been gone for almost half a year. Had anyone noticed? Had they gone looking for him? His hands were trembling as he took the keycard and unlocked the last cell in their little area, staring at the unconscious, incredibly muscular, green skinned woman in a power suit in the cell. "Um...." Roman said, before shaking the woman slightly. She-Hulk gasped as she woke up. Everything was spinning and she felt like she was going to hurl. [color=2CFD01]"Ugh... Why'd they have to pick me for this arc... Why couldn't they have picked Bruce..."[/color] Maria knelt down next to Johnny as she heard him muttering to himself, and shook her head slightly at what he was saying. [color=B79659]"But Mr. Potato Head I'm straight..."[/color] Maria then slapped him hoping that would wake him up. [color=lightgreen]"Time to wake up hothead."[/color] Maria said, as she looked over at Roman. [color=lightgreen]"Is she okay to move over there?"[/color] Maria called out. "I, uh, think so?" Roman said hesitantly. "Are you good?" he asked the incredible She-Hulk. He sweated slightly, not wanting to do anything to get on her bad side, and he figured that answering for her was probably one way to do that for sure. [color=2CFD01]"I'm fine, just give me a minute,"[/color] Jennifer grumbled. She had shut her eyes and had her fingers pressed into her temple, trying to rid herself of this nauseous feeling. She was lucky that being a Hulk, she healed pretty quickly. The drugs were already beginning to wear off. Unluckily, that meant that the skrulls would definitely be sending someone else this way soon to drug She-Hulk again, so they were running out of time. There was also the fact that someone probably would have noticed the skrull doctor didn't return from his rounds too. Johnny Storm is fine, he's just very dazed, looking at Maria and not really understanding what's going on at all. [color=B79659]"What... happened...?"[/color] he asked, trying to sit up but he wasn't really able to. [color=lightgreen]"Well, short story is that we got snatched up by shapeshifting aliens called the Skrulls, and they probably anal probed you to or something like that."[/color] Maria said as she offered a hand to help him back up. [color=lightgreen]"We need to get going."[/color] Maria said as she started to leave Johnny's cell, they probably didnt have much time before more of them showed up. She looked over at Roman and She-Hulk seeing that she looked like she was back on her feet again and motioned for them to follow her as she took back the keycard from Roman and made her way out of the cellblock. She noticed the central elevator along with a rather large gap. [color=lightgreen]"Lets see if there are any other cellblocks and see if we can get other prisoners out."[/color] Roman, She-Hulk, and the Human Torch followed along with Maria. The Human Torch was being half held up by She-Hulk, as otherwise he would have fallen to the ground, smashing his beautiful face against the floor. Roman's eyes widened as they emerged into the central area, paling as he took in the drop. There weren't proper railings or anything to prevent them from falling. It was just a few feet of ground and then [i]nothing[/i]. [color=lightgreen]"Lets get across and be really careful."[/color] Maria said as she looked over at Roman for a moment, remembering what his power was from the brief time she worked with him. [color=lightgreen]"Hey, Roman you got some tech power or whatever right could you try and loop the camera feeds for our cellblock that way they wont know that we escaped?"[/color] Maria asked as she started to make her way over towards the central elevator and called it down a few seconds later the elevator came down and opened Maria quickly got inside it holding the door open for the others.