My sister had a girl friend that had it, then I took her AIM from her dunce idea. It was all avatars and tramps mainly, I took an AIM name of hers as mine "SKELATON OF WAR" was a good first effort, so, for RuneScape 2 the 2nd account was named her name "Snowdevil6" - but my first account was japing it all and was "Boy_Humper7". Ahhh, NeoPets. I still play, and off dubloons, too. My beginnings had me hacked by my sister and her friends, otherwise I'd have a halloween zafara thanks to test your strength getting me the hween pb, an initial ice Bori, and 150 avatars. There was only one way to survive.... Sword Hunter, until Rangering became processive. I'm totally a Cavalier, they get reapt - no more to say.