[center][b][h2]Sleep the dream of the apples[/h2][/b][/center] [hr] Rareth had heeded Dr. Wetherall’s words, but there was nothing she could have done to stop what would transpire. The force, whatever it might have been, was not something she seemed equipped to resist. At least, not for the moment. All she could do while being taken inside was to observe whatever she could sense. Perhaps she could come up with some countermeasure with time, though hopefully, that would not be necessary. In any case, Rareth’s mind was first focused on herself as she was taken into the gallery. She noted the being; it’s form and presence, but once she was on the ground and had control again, she spent the first few seconds rebooting her systems. It would likely take hours to sort through all of the logs, but for now, she had her implant run a subroutine looking for anything that stood out. Her first priority was making sure she had control over her antimatter reactor and its failsafes, though of course, she did not delay in replying to the being. Rareth sat up and looked to the being before them. “Yes, of course. My apologies for the argument outside. I wanted to ensure our meeting would be a peaceful one, but I…do not think that will be a problem any longer. It sounds as if the matter for which you brought us here is something important, something…” He voice trailed off for just a moment as her mind was putting together the events that had brough them here. The actions of the worm back at their point of arrival, the being’s rules, and the way it was speaking now…it did all seem like it was hinting at one conclusion. “…is this regarding power?”