[center][b][color=636de9][h2]???[/h2][/color] Manor Exterior > Manor Living-room[/b][/center] In the distance it could see the dark clouds of an encroaching thunderstorm, the boom of thunder promising a deluge of rain. The storm was already filling the air with a detestable humidity, and the winds were becoming less agreeable. The manor was already coming into view, the estate the only sign of 'civilization' in sight from the sky. The building's architecture was as unfamiliar as the rest of the lands surrounding it, but it was a vague promise of safety in a land filled with barbarians and violence. Lightning flashed in the distance, and the rumble of thunder followed soon after. With the storm bearing down, the creature's decision was made. Falling victim to a thunderstorm was a guarantee of suffering and loss that was wholly unacceptable after coming so far, and that made caution a luxury. As it angled downwards into a dive, buffeted by the wind, it spotted movement. Two figures, one massive and the other comparatively tiny by a door on the east side of the manor, the door swinging open as the small one pulled. Seeing [i]people[/i] came with a strange mixture of hope and fear. [color=636de9][i]Caution is a luxury...[/i][/color] It steepened it's dive and angled for the opened door. Despite its size the descent was controlled and quiet, but nothing could hide the shadow it cast upon the ground. The little one had already entered, but the giant had yet to enter. It closed in on the ground quickly, it's serpentine body as straight as it could manage. Before it could hit the ground, it pulled up, putting all of the downward momentum forward. Curving around the Orc, the sickly yellow creature catapulted itself into the Living-Room. Without sufficient room to fully stop, the creature bumped into the wall with a soft [i]thud[/i] before quickly collapsing to the floor, its body quickly pulling itself into a different shape even as it [i]dove[/i] behind the couch furthest from the other two guests. Obscured from view, the sound of rustling and crinkling filled the room for a moment before the same sickly yellow peeked over the back. The shape of a head peeking from under the edge of a cloak rose for a moment, a misshapen green iris barely visible in the cloak's shadow, quickly glancing about the room and over the orc and fawn before it retreated behind the furniture once more. A rasping whisper-like voice chattered at the other two occupants of the room for a moment in a strange tongue. [color=636de9]"Jwih oce qeagh ijh hub'boch acs heeyh jhe bahjeg ot jwe wouhe'wozs."[/color] [color=2e2c2c]"This one bears its summons and seeks the master of the household."[/color] The familiar appearance of an invitation rose from behind the couch, unfolded and waving back and forth for only a moment before it too retreated. [i][color=4b56e1]These look so different from the ones before. This means it was a truth? Then why do I still feel this fear?[/color][/i]it thought to itself.