[center][i]Humans fear the unknown, for they can not understand what is beyond it. Humans can have the purest of souls or the darkest of lives but one thing that connects all men and women is death. Death does not discriminate for it was their time to die. However what is beyond death? They say in the Christin faith that it is heaven and hell for those of the Jewish faith there is no hell. Some simply believe that death is the end and there is the only darkness that awaits and they are partially true. For a rare few they are given the chance to change and are unknowingly thrust into a world that won't forgive failure or weakness. In this world, they are born as weak creatures but with the rare ability to grow in not only height but to a completely different lifeform entirely. This is the story of a few of those that are born on this day and will go out into this unforgiving world and change it in ways never thought possible, this is their story...[/i][/center] [hr] Darkness everlasting. It is all that could be seen and while it is very unsettling it is also somewhat calming. Anything from the darkness is forgotten or buried deep in the back of their minds. They don't know what is going on but soon they realize that they were dead or rather that something is happening. Soon a soft shuffling could be heard getting closer and closer to them. When they opened their eyes the light was blinding for a brief moment before it was revealed that they were in a church and that their skin was green. While they were very tiny one word came to mind immediately [i][u]Goblin[/u][/i] They knew it the second they opened their eyes. The elder goblin shuffled closer to them seeing the goblin that would be soon be known as Goblin Grandpa. [color=8dc73f]"Come little ones time to wake up"[/color] The goblin said in a raspy voice looking over each and every one of the baby goblins with a discerning eye gently waking each one to see the world around them and to see which one will become the strongest. [hr] On the third day when the young goblins would be strong enough to walk the elder ones who have become hobgoblins will be back after another hunt. No doubt to give the new young ones their last given meal before they would be forced to hunt for themselves just like their elder brother and sisters. None get a free pass forever and that was one of the rules that governed the world. If you want to eat you have to earn the right to do so by hunting and getting your own meal. They didn't always live in a church until recently they had lived in a cave not far from here but the young hobs found this place and took it from the undead skeletons that had called this place home. Now they have stone walls and giant oak doors to defend themselves properly then before. He knew the young hobs would be back soon to greet their younger goblin brothers and sisters...