[hr][Center][h1][color=#C362B2]The Matthews Twins[/color][/h1] In collaboration with: [@dragonpiece][/center][hr] Samuel witnessed a sight he had not seen in a while, a silvery aura that impacted magic. Samuel's immediate idea was something similar to his Big Brother's magic, however, upon seeing it affect his magic as well, Samuel found that it was completely different. It slowed magic down, as Samuel realized his magic was slightly slower than normal. However, this small waist-high wall wasn't really much of a slow process, either way, so he was quick to take cover, but his thoughts were racing as he made a quick plan in his head. Yet something seemed to almost break the gunfire. The Crow spoke. Samuel heard the most inane formation of words he has ever heard. Only on children? Samuel's thoughts upon this idea were to make the idea of a super-soldier program made to indoctrinate children to make super soldiers able to reproduce? Honestly, it would make sense why the age range was so narrow for the kids. But it seems this might be too deep of an idea for this strangely cladded man. However, like a clock kicking back into gear Samuel began to hear guns sounding again as he slammed his fist against the Earth wall to make it grow and head towards the 'robots', Blue Crow, and Nero. However, when it is heading towards Nero it starts turning into a ramp for him to run up the wall. Yet for the others, they have a wall that is quickly speeding towards them as it will try to slam them and crush them against the metal walls of this ship. Iris's eyes locked onto the weird bird man as an aura seemed to engulf him. Iris put it together quickly that it was the most probable cause of the anomaly and she didn’t like it. Her link to her brother seems unaffected though. A definite relief for Iris as it did pump her and Samuel's powers further than their natural limit. It seems that the robots are going to decompose pretty soon as they are still breaking down at a fast rate. She crouched towards the earth wall her brother has made. It wasn't long before the odd man spoke once again. The information he spouted was honestly not that surprising. Iris never linked a reason why it had to be kids but she sure the fuck knew to not believe the words from the scientist's mouths. Whatever the case, the cocky man seemed to try distracting us with possibly world-shattering information. And to Iris's expectations, He pulled his gun out and fired a magical shot. Seeing the angle of his arm, she projected it was coming near her and Samuel.[color=#FF007F] "Move!"[/color], Iris let out as she dived to the side, taking refuge behind a presumed empty armament container. The shot seemed to be of plasma shot quality. She gave a look towards Samuel and nodded her head, indicating she was going to get closer to do some real damage. As she moved on the outside she tested how much slowed her magic was. Samuel saw as his sister dived off with a yell, [color=#FF007F] [i]'Move!'[/i][/color]. Samuel witnessed a silvery-white plasma shot punch through his stone wall as it nearly took his sister's head off. She quickly got up though and she ran off with a nod, Samuel knew what was in her head, so he got ready. [@Letter Bee][@FalloutJack]