[h3]Yzzi[/h3] Goblin Day 0 Morning [hr] What was this? What was any of this? If she had been a less rational and level headed person...goblin, she might have very well gone mad from it all. Yet, memories from 'before' helped somewhat. Memories from another 'her' that seemed to exist in some other place. Was it real? was it just a dream? Fragments of a childs fantasy before birth that would be forgotten once more solid memories formed? Hm. Something told her it wasn't. Whatever this situation was, honestly it wasn't that bad. All she had to do was look at what was in front of her. She was small. She was weak. And she hated it. Unpleasant memories surfaced. Not that any other goblin present would notice this inner thought. Nay, unlike most of the rambunctious goblins...Yzzi had been quiet. Sitting in a quiet corner of the Church that served as their home, sitting cross legged, eyes closed. At least, until the voice of one of her sisters broke her train of thought. [color=fff200]"...hmph."[/color] She got to her feet, her larger than average frame cracking slightly from the prolonged bout of meditation. Was that the word? It came to mind. Loud. Annoying. [color=fff200]"Impatient."[/color] She approached Kir from behind, giving the other goblin a light smack on the back of the head. [color=fff200]"You can't change the situation yet. Don't spend time complaining."[/color] She could agree though. She wanted out of here. While she was fine with sitting and waiting, should that be what was needed...she still disliked it. She wanted to get out there. She wanted to fix this pathetic, scrawny body of hers. It was then one of the Hobgoblins returned. A bounty of meat. Rabbit, huh. Hm. She wanted bigger prey than a rabbit...but patience. Patience. So this was one of the hobgoblins. Impressive, but something about them rubbed her the wrong way. She narrowed her eyes, focusing more on what else was in the room. As much as she'd like to do something better with her time than sit around, there was nothing in this place to make use of. Pathetic, if that's what these other goblins used for shelter. What of things to fight with? Food? Tools? Were they so completely destitute and simple minded they did not think of these things before attempting to...have baby goblins? It seemed no one here had a brain to think with. She'd have to change that. [color=fff200]"Grandpa, I want a weapon."[/color] [hider=stats and things] [b]EXP:[/b] 000 [b]Inventory: [/b] N/A [b]Acquired Skills:[/b] N/A [b]Titles:[/b] N/A [b]Blessings:[/b] N/A [b]Curses:[/b] N/A [/hider]