[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200801/1feff4d45c38eae1315e288c427dc5a6.png[/img][/center] The immediate panic caused by their line of questioning did not bode well for the idea that the RainWings had no idea what they were doing, and Eclipse did not like it one bit. Jaguar had told them that the rest of her tribe were basically harmless and didn't ever think to use their venom on another dragon, but this definitely didn't seem line up with that. He felt his blood beginning to boil as Hummingbird told them that she knew nothing and that their Queen wouldn't either. They'd come this far and there was no way they were going to leave without getting something from these dragons. Just a name or tribe would be a starting point. Even as Dreamseeker tried to use soothing words to get Hummingbird to say something the smaller dragon simply fled. He let out a low growl as she vanished into the trees just like Lemur. So much for that. Skua seemed just as irritated as he was, while Aardwolf seemed almost indifferent to the entire thing. It would've made him more angry if the SandWing actually had any stakes in this, but he really didn't. [color=ed1c24][b]"Normally I'd say violence isn't the answer but I'm tired of getting the run around and no answers here."[/b][/color] He flopped down next to Skua, one side pressed against his friend as a way of grounding himself before he let his anger get the best of him. He frowned at Dreamseeker's words. He had no idea how her abilities worked, but it seemed a bit strange that there was just nothing about who they gave the venom to. [color=ed1c24][b]"Has that ever happened before? Where you try to read their thoughts and just get nothing about a specific topic?"[/b][/color] At least they had something of a lead. [color=ed1c24][b]"How're we going to find him? We kind of lost our guide and I'm not sure if anyone who could hear what we were saying is going to be any more interested in helping us then they were."[/b][/color] It'd be a waste of time to wander around asking the name of every dragon they saw.