[center][hider=Karn/Edo-Karn][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/365674142739202069/787718480484892702/commission___karn_by_cherryinthesun_da3oeyd-fullview.png?width=331&height=468[/img][/hider][h2][color=lime]Karn[/color]/[color=springgreen]Edo-Karn[/color][/h2][h3]Location: Magnolia | Phoenix Wing Guild[/h3] Interacting: Elena/Perry [@PandaBrady], Jane [@Zarkun] D'angelo [@samreaper] [hider=Currently Wearing][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/787723495521779763/794818580268187648/dea14954cd749162e6a839f46d31d7f7--photo-art-manga-anime.png[/img][/hider][/center] [hr] Karn gazed in awe at Elena as he listened, tilting his head side to side thoughtfully. [color=lime]"Takeover magic huh? Wow I heard it was a neat magic, but no ours is a bit different I think?"[/color] he hummed as he thought it over. [color=lime]"Eddy is from Edolas, and during a bad fight, someone locked her soul into a lacrima on her dying breath. Then she got transported here and shoved into my body. The magic is made so my soul absorbs hers, so mine can get stronger and healthier. Past two years we've been kinda balancing it so one soul doesn't absorb the other. But things have been going well and we've been great! Seems you two figured out a dynamic as well."[/color] Karn chirped, ignoring the slight sigh of frustration within his head. Glancing to Jane, the blonde smiled brightly to her and gave a double thumbs up. [color=lime]"Nice performance Jay!"[/color] Karn said in a cheerful sing song. That was until a distinct splash was heard. Instantly his green eyes dilated, blonde hair spiking as he bristled, body locking up and trembling as his hands shot up to cover his ears, preparing as if to duck away. Eyes whipping around behind to see the pudding man and his strange cloud that seemed to cause a mobile rain fall. [color=springgreen][i]"Hey wa--"[/i][/color] he could hear Edarn say in his head but it had went blank and he didn't listen or hear. Fire erupted from his mouth as he was about to let out a blood curtling scream, his hands and arms bursted into golden fire, scorching his dress and quickly making it into ashes. [color=lime]"AAAA--"[/color] Karn started his scream before his own firey fist clamped over his mouth before he could fully scream and accidentally vomit fire everywhere. His terrified emerald green eyes were soon replaced with calm ethereal glowing green. Edarn took a deep breath before removing her hand and proceeded to pat down the arms and torso, as she had not made these clothes fireproof. And were currently on fire. Unfortunately, there was nothing to save as the fire had burned away the sleeves and the upper part of the dress, so now it was just struggling to stay on. She gave up and allowed it to flop on the floor, putting her hands on on this male body's hips as it wore just black shorts now. Taking another deep breath, her left hand raised so her index and thumb slightly rubbed her temple. [color=springgreen]"....Elly that costed a good jobs worth of jewel."[/color] Edarn murmured before looking to the two ladies. [color=springgreen]"Apologies, the kid can't stand water."[/color] she said taking another breath before clapping her hands together in front of her flat chest in a vertical position. [color=springgreen]"It was nice to meet you, but we should [i]swim[/i] on. Laters."[/color] she said while moving her hands in foreword, proceeded to drop them to her sides, then walked past the door and started off toward the East Forest. Casually walking out in the open with bare chest and legs without much of a care. [hr] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/787723495521779763/794864053604450314/74Zu1T.png[/img][h2][color=aqua]Prince[/color][/h2][h3]Location: Dragon Fang Guild[/h3] Interacting: Keiko [@BlackMaiden], Caitlyn [@Landaus Five-One], Michael [@MarshiestMallow], Silver Wolf [@Raijinslayer], Enma [@hatakekuro] Ashlyn [@Lunarlord34], Hunter [@Zarkun][/center] [hr] Prince tried his best not to laugh at the combination of Ash's comment and Keiko and Enma's reactions to it, giving a bit of grunt of a chuckle with the sides of lips twitching in a threat to smile and bust out laughing. His nose followed the flow of magic around Michael that was examining him in interest but didn't pay it too much mind. Giving a few coughs into his hand to clear his throat, he flashed a amused grin toward Enma has he tried to wiggle out his predicament to go adventuring on this tantalizing job. [color=aqua]"Awe come now Enma! Not even five minutes of becoming a master and already you wish to drop your teenage servant upon your senior? What a naughty lad."[/color] he chuckled as he teasingly waved a finger from side to side as if to scold the Oni. He took glance toward Silver Wolf, giving a soft amused smile, but said nothing of it. For now. [color=aqua]"But I don't mind keeping the kitten company. As for your questions Keiko my dear, usually you can't join in on the fun of Guild Missions unless a Guild Member or a special guest. This particular job with combination of these trio of troublemakers is definitely not a recommended first time. Our Guildmaster Jack or our S classes would likely take you on a little trial job to test your skills out a bit to give a official grade after playing a little questionnaire on how's your magic work, experience, history, etcetera etcetera. Our Guild generally specializes in monster hunting type jobs so we usually want to ease newbies into it. Unless your already kind of a brute busting machine like them."[/color] Prince chuckled, swishing his tail to point to Hunter, Ashlyn and Enma. [color=aqua]"Still even if you were, it's for the guild to know how you work and what you feel comfortable with so we can help you grow and learn."[/color] he smiled before ending up snickering as Michael returned Ashlyn's provoking comment. Giving a grin, Prince gingerly poked a clawed finger to the blue haired man's cheek. [color=aqua]"Aye fiesty! Perhaps you could go with the trio, they could use a cooler head in their little group. Less you want to wait for your brother, but I'm happy to send a message in case he has anything important to say."[/color] the tall feline esc man purred.