The Kai listened to the concerns that were brought up and did her best to answer them as best she could. She wasn't exactly sure what awaited them in Tabaga's universe since the Dimensional Scanner couldn't read into the universe itself, all it could say was that Tabaga's universe was still intact. [i]"But we're just the victims of all this. How are we supposed to know what to look for? How are we supposed to recognize something important even if we do see it? We're going to a completely different universe," for most of them anyway, "everything is likely to seem strange to us to begin with. I do hope your plan extends beyond sending us there in the first place."[/i] "Right now, we're simply going to go into Tabaga's universe and see what we're dealing with and that's it. I don't want any of you to engage in any fighting with anyone or anything. I believe the term a few of my time patrollers often used was "Recon". As far as I'm concerned you'll be staying for less than ten minutes. The Dimensional Scanner can't look into her universe for some reason, all it's been able to say is that Tabaga's universe is intact." [i]"I'm not especially looking forward to running into people asking me what I'm doing with saiyans for example. My people tend to be aggressive warriors in my universe, and we don't get along with saiyans. I bet Tabaga's version of my people are either completely different, or very similar. I'm just worried about the dynamics of our team. I mean no offense to those who are here."[/i] Tabaga finally spoke up after Darbin finished speaking. "Sorry to break it to you big guy, but before I was brought here I'd never seen one of your people as a threat to the saiyans before in my life. We were actually on pretty good terms with your people. One of you actually set up shop on Planet Vegeta as a shopkeeper before the end. And remember, the enemy we were fighting back in my home universe didn't leave survivors. They would just burn all life from a world and then move onto the next. I honestly doubt we'll find anything alive in my universe but I'm tempted to indulge the Kai here."