Jinny stood there, among rows and rows of various weapons, and just stared for several moments. “This. Is the coolest room I have ever seen.” Her voice was filled with awe and delight, and then she took off, giggling like a kid in a candy store. At first she was just looking at everything, not touching. But eventually she took a small pistol off the wall and held it with both hands. It was easily too large for her, so she put it back. “Where did you even get all of these? What else are you hiding in the house?” She skipped among the rows of guns cheerily. “Do I get to see all the rooms now?” On she went, looking a long time at the sword section. There were broadswords and shortswords, katanas and straightswords. Many of them were larger than her, and she didn’t dare try to lift one. “Maybe when I get bigger.” She stalled next in the knife section. Her eyes gleamed as she looked at all of them. Small daggers, combat knives, butterfly knives, wait, was that a - “Uncle… you kept this?” She slowly picked up an ordinary kitchen knife from the rack. “...I kinda remember trying to stab you with this. I’m glad it didn’t work.” She paused. “Might work someday.” And she put it back, examining the rest with great care. After some deliberation and testing, she came back with her arms full of throwing knives, and a pair of slender daggers floating dutifully behind her. “These are the ones I want. And maybe a sword when I can carry one. But you’re gonna have to help me pick a gun. Because I don’t think they make them small enough for me.” She carefully set the knives down at his feet and gazed up at him, eager for approval.