[color=plum][CENTER][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8bbb8f75-e9b9-430c-af32-7492d64474a5.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/86/ef/a5/86efa507256e4155103521f475afc336.jpg[/img] [color=2E2C2C][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=// INFO][indent][sub][b]I R L[/b][/SUB] [sup][COLOR=SILVER] [b]Full Name[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Kazuki Hoshizawa [星澤 和希][/COLOR] [b]Age[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - 18[/COLOR] [B]Place of Origin[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Japan[/COLOR] [b]Occupation[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - High School Student[/COLOR][/color][/SUP] [sub][b]A V A T A R[/b][/SUB] [sup][COLOR=SILVER] [b]Character's Name[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Kazuki[/COLOR] [B]Pathos Affiliation[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Queon[/COLOR] [b]Role[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Healer[/COLOR] [B]Profession[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Wandering Minstrel[/COLOR] [B]Weapon of Choice[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Book[/COLOR] [B]Domains[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Wind, Restoration + Protection[/COLOR] [/color][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=// PERSONALITY][indent][SUB][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=SILVER][b]Stoic[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Good news, bad news, confusing news--Kazuki seems to have the emotional range of a teaspoon. He doesn't seem all that bothered with anything and doesn't react much. If it weren't for the lack of monotone, most people would probably assume he's a robot. One would think even his passion would get him to emote, but aside from a vague focused expression, he otherwise is the same as always.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Driven[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]He doesn't let anything get in the way of accomplishing his goals: everything in life is part of a problem that leads to a solution one way or another. He is relentless when it comes to accomplishing a goal, often pushing himself past what's healthy. For a majority of his life it's been seen as a virtue of sorts and he hasn't had any reason to slow down.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Observant[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Despite having little care for the people he engages with, he finds it useful to pick up on a few cues to keep in mind for later if need be.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [hider=// BENCHMARKS][indent][SUB][b]B E N C H M A R K S[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=SILVER][b]Piano Man[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]By far and away Kazuki's most cultivated skill, to the point he has gotten several server first records on unlocking the next tier with thousands of hours put into piano playing. Of course, aside from entertainment value and unlocking a few other skills, it doesn't have much use otherwise.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Healing Touch[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]His second best and probably most relevant skill. Originally toting around without a weapon, Kazuki's healing can be strengthened if he makes contact with whoever needs healing; best used for greater injuries at the risk of putting himself in action.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Song of the Wind[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]The ability to have his music gain effects depending on the song he's playing. Different songs have different effects, ranging from a variety of buffs and healing over time. Some come at the conclusion of a song, others are persisting so long as the melody is continuously played. [/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]With Hammer in Hand[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Smithery has become a great side hobby to Kazuki, who genuinely enjoys making armor and weapons whenever he gets his hands on materials. While he has made a few commissions, it became clear that making and selling instruments quickly became his specialty and source of income--that said, he can make a majority of weapons and armor if need be.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b]Physical Description[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Standing at five feet ten inches, Kazuki is a lanky young man that usually towers over his classmates. At a first glance there isn't much home to write about, his face still plenty boyish and more youthful looking than he'd like. The most notable feature he has is probably his green eyes, usually hidden under the mess of brown hair he sports. His expressions are often heavily muted or outright nonexistent, making it difficult to know if he's paying attention or not. Whenever he does look at people, it's noted that it seems more like he's looking through them, not at them. [/indent][/color] [b]Character Conceptualization[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Kazuki Hoshizawa is a serious kid who takes his passions to their fullest at the expense of most of his social skills. After taking the emotional brunt of his parents' divorce, for all intents and purposes he has shut down. While it's hardly noticeable due to stellar grades and his talent at music, his social life is nonexistent for the most part. As a result, he has a tendency to be overly blunt and cold with little care about the effects of what he says. His personality seems to be the inverse of most healers in media and makes it clear he helps people out of expectation, not out of obligation. As a noob who doesn't really play games, he was hesitant to even join Pariah Online. He doesn't know much of RPGs in general but has enjoyed the nonsensical side of the game; aside from the appeal of getting to play and learn several instruments, he doesn't really find adventuring appealing. He ended up choosing healing as it seemed easier to stay in the back and support his younger brother. While he doesn't discern himself from who he is outside of the game, he outright refuses to speak of personal matters, with Kazuma barely being an exception and only because Kazuki keeps slipping up and calling him by his real name.[/indent][/color] [b]Other Information[/b] [color=#807B84][indent][list][*]Has regularly placed in several national competitions [*]Big fan of strawberries [*][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1upZGiD_nyZqHtAQmG1wRb0dy8zneZG5xhE3KzfHzrEg/edit?usp=sharing]Toolkit[/url] [*][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt_JePg86b8&ab_channel=AnimenzPianoSheets]Theme[/url][/list] [/indent][/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR]