[center] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/787042431576571937/789953357627916338/20201219_142853.jpg?width=322&height=429[/img] [color=6ecff6][h2]Bellman[/h2][/color] Location: [color=6ecff6]Lemmas[/color] Interacting with: [@Kidd], [@Rodiak], [@Conscripts], [@Lyly], [@dioscuri], [@sassy1085][/center] [color=6ecff6]Bellman stood, as he always did, beside the community notice board the night the unexpected snowstorm blew in. He had rang his bell in friendly greeting at the robed stranger, but the sound had been lost in the raging winds. Fortunately, they had managed to find their way to the inn on their own, and so Bellman remained at their self imposed post. The snowstorm had no effect on the ice golem, aside from burying them up to their knees. Every hour on the hour, Bellman rang their bell. At two hours and forty-nine minutes into the morning, the visitor emerged. He was a tall, old man with a long, snowy beard. His heavy robes reminded Bellman of their former master, a pang of sad nostalgia piercing their ice heart. Suddenly, all the animals in the area, including a black cat named Nox, turned their attention to an empty patch of snow about ten feet from the door the old man had just exited. Even more suddenly, several travelers appeared. The old man hurried them inside and out of the cold, pausing just long enough to give one of them a look. Bellman considered walking over to the inn themselves when the lumbering form of Barrock emerged from the tree line. Bellman gave the towering orc a friendly wave with their free hand, not expecting it to be returned. As Barrock began delivering firewood to the various houses and shops, Nox made his way back to his own home. Bellman was acutely aware of how long it had taken everything to transpire, two minutes and twenty-eight seconds. Eight minutes and thirty-two seconds later, Bellman raised their bell and rang it loudly. [/color][color=fff200][i]RINGDING... RINGDING... RINGDING...[/i][/color] [color=6ecff6]Three rings. Three hours into the morning. A few minutes later Barrock had finished all but one delivery, heading toward the inn. Bellman was quite fond of the orc, but he wasn't fond of anyone, and Bellman felt a little bad that he was walking into a crowd of noisy, confused newcomers. As Barrock tromped his way down the street, a grey puffball of a cat emerged from the same house that Nox had just entered. Bellman recognized this one, but didn't know it's name. It slipped into the inn just as Barrock entered. Not two minutes later the local chocolatier emerged from [i]his[/i] shop and began delivering boxes of sweets. Bellman had never had anything sweet, as they lacked a mouth, but the locals seemed to love them, and Bellman admired the man for that. As the man made his way toward the inn himself, Bellman heard the familiar crunching of snow coming toward them from down the mountain, away from the snowy town. Bellman turned, their curiosity rising as a red haired woman approached. Bellman hadn't had the chance to greet any of the guests thus far, so they strode toward this newest one, intent on making a good impression. They rang their bell twice as a way of saying hello and then waved to her. It was a wide, slow, friendly wave.[/color]