[Library Cafe] Gracie was in her zone chopping up all sorts of fresh produce; lettuce, bell peppers, onions (carefully cut on a separate cutting board and put far away from other produce to prevent Canine exposure), wheatgrass, kale, celery, carrot, spinach, and radishes. She looked at the stock requests for the fresh salads and sandwiches, she had put fresh sourdough in the oven as well as butter croissants. Gleefully humming to herself she started with the salads first, preparing winter kale salad with a dash of pumpkin seeds for herbivores. In the meantime, she had fresh tempeh curls cooking for the carnivores and omnivores to either put in salad or sandwiches. Opening the oven came a waft of fresh baked bread, it was truly her favorite scent as it brought her back to her childhood. Setting the bread to cool she started closing the salad packages and putting a sticker of the head of a doe for the herbivore selections, and a head of a lion for the carnivore selection. She then prepped a multi-pack of seeds and walnuts nuts for the avian students and staff, closing it with a sticker of an emu. As the bread cooled, she started making the requested amount of sandwiches for all diets, and packaged them in the same way as the salads. Such was routing for Gracie. Wake up, run, class, work, study, classes, track team meet, movie, sleep. [color=ed145b]"All done."[/color] She nodded to herself, wiping her hands before taking a tray of her fresh food and returning to the front of the cafe to restock the shelves. There was already a line of different mammals, mostly there for the fresh tea or coffee. Bea the peacock was at the register and the baristas was Debra the Zebra and Giselle the Gazelle who were perky and attentive. After completing her short shift, the doe went to the back, hung up her apron and kept her peacoat on the rack for her to return after her studies, the rest of the staff didn't seem to mind. Joining the line and waiting patiently, Gracie went rhythmically from her heels to her toes, bouncing along with the generic pop music in the background. When she got to Bea she reached for her wallet, [color=ed145b]"I'd like a-" [/color] [color=007236]"Green tea, and you don't have to pay...You work here and get a free drink and meal, how many times do I have to say that?"[/color] Bea said, without looking up. [color=ed145b]"I'm sorry-"[/color] Gracie put her wallet away, she never liked getting things for free, even though she did work there. [color=f26522]"Here you go, Gracie! You get the same drink at the same time, girl! It's, like, automatic for me now!"[/color] Debra laughed, gesturing the tea to her. Smiling shyly, Gracie grabbed the tea.[color=ed145b] "I'll see you guys tomorrow."[/color] She bowed her head, ears bouncing, and went toward the library for her next class, Genetics..It was a class she dreaded as her professor had a very dry style of lecturing. She stopped by the study area that was in the middle of the library, all the desks and chairs were taken. She looked nervously around, hoping to find a rare free chair away from others.