[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Camelot Skills: Sleight of Hand[/I][/center] [hr][hr] The trembling withing Maddys throat and chest began to get worse. He could never handle being yelled at, nor even yelling at others, but something about Rosalias high and mighty attitude made him want to stand his ground. [Color=99CC00]"Novice? NOVICE?! If anyone's a novice here it's you! It's no wonder you were put away for breaking and entering and theft! All you do after a job is done is parade about town talking about it. Had none of the people here been sympathizers we would've been thrown to Rumple and locked away in their prison already! I'm not saying what happened was right, or perfect, but it happened! And going around town bitching within earshot of others isn't going to fix it. Its just going to make things worse. So get off your damn high horse and think of plans that are useful if you don't like what's being said because [i]that[/i] was the only plan given and the only input you gave was how you hated it!"[/color] Flames began to form and flicker off the sides of his hands. The heat of his anger emanating and manifesting itself in physical form. When Matthew finished saying his piece, the flames died down, smoke replacing them as it twirled and danced along his skin. He spun on his heels and stormed off to the other side of the bar, not wanting to hear that girl's voice any longer. He would've expected wiser words from Merlin, or anyone honestly, but all he got was a speech on the power of friendship just further making him feel as if he was at fault here. Was he truly so unlikable that not only did he grow out of the system but he couldn't even make friends? Finding an empty chair, Maddy sat down and cross his arms in a huff, his eyes gliding towards Colbys direction and then wavering with tears brimming at the edges. If he saw anyone approach him, he would quickly removed the tears so as to make everything seem fine.