[h1]Paris Beurra[/h1] He stared down the path watching the mobilization of the local forces as he sat behind a tree. Most of his sensors were off but he could still see through the fog. Through the forest he noted everyone leaving towards the parallel route, but he knew there probably was a rearguard that would notice them. "We should get going before they come back, there is probably a few left that we can get rid of if we are quick and quiet about it." he said as he lifted up the visor on his helmet so he could see far more clearly, "they are probably the wounded, but they will have at least one or two people watching over them." He slowly lowered the visor once again as he stood up, he looked around the group and then back at the forest in front of them, "someone quiet go first maybe, or shall we just preceded with caution?" he asked as he pressed his lips together. He wished he had drank more water, his skin was still dry and cracked. Burned in some spots, but it wasn't anything that he hasn't gone through before. He wished he had his two crates, but he will have to make due with what they had.