[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210130/334b2832d63f1ff04639597363eb00bd.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#87c735][b]Location:[/b][/color] Wayfarer's Retreat -- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr]Alex had been something of an outlier in his brother's guild ever since the start of his adventures in Pariah. Logan and co. were actual gamers, with years and even decades of experience under their belts. Alex was sure they'd already been acquainted with this world more than the real one, geography and history and women and all. Their little PvE guild had taken Alex in as an auxiliary member under his brother's request, and he could tell he was starting to overstay his welcome. But no more. This mysterious dungeon would be his rite of passage, the proof that he was finally able to stand on his own two feet. Even as he took tense steps towards the faction hall, fantasies of finally earning everyone's respect ran through his mind. This little stint would be a secret to them until he got out of that dungeon a changed man. His arms stretched outwards, and he gently opened the door to the retreat as he beamed with joy. His hands, adorned with beautiful gauntlets matching his elegant archer's attire, made sure to gingerly close the door behind him so as to make a wonderful first impression. And then he saw the other wayfarers. Muscles. Big, bulging, scary muscles. Weapons a size men couldn't- and [i]shouldn't[/i] have been able to wield, weighing more than Alex did. Tankards of beer being raised to hardened faces. Even the ones that weren't ginormous carried an identical level of swagger, with some intimidating facial expression or bizarre weapon on their person. Conversations were happening, not very pleasant ones if their tones were anything to go by. A nerve-wracking sight, definitely. But he was dead set on doing this. [color=#87c735]"Uh... hey guys! We're all here for the raid thing right?"[/color] He asked, getting close to the surprisingly large group with a hop to his step. He pulled his chair out slowly, so as to not damage the floor by scraping it harshly, and sat with a grin on his face. [/indent] [/indent][/indent]