[@Fiscbryne], so, I found the original source for my Battle of Thetford. https://www.thetfordtowncouncil.gov.uk/heritage/the-viking-age/ [quote] SWEYN FORKBEARD The Vikings returned to Thetford in 1004 under the command of Sweyn Forkbeard, but this time Thetford itself was plundered and burned. Thetford was subjected to another similar Viking raid in 1010, and shortly after this, the East Anglian army was defeated at a battle to the north of Thetford, probably near Ringmere in Wretham. Sweyn Forkbeard, who led the Viking raids against Thetford, was a powerful Viking leader who ruled over much of Norway in around 1000. He was involved in raids in England from 1002 onwards, and during 1013 he led his forces in a sustained campaign across England. This culminated on Christmas Day 1013, when Sweyn was declared King of England after King Ethelred went into exile. Sweyn died early in 1014, only weeks after becoming King, but his sons, Cnut, Harold Harefoot and Harthacnut went on to rule England for nearly thirty years.[/quote] All that said, in our story, another enemy force will be arriving to drive us out.