Duncan was fiddling with his hands as everyone else talked; he moved to pull part of his skin off, revealing it to be a panel on his arm, before he started to tap at it to try and do something. "Benjamin and Mike can stay with me while you do the mission." Duncan started, "I'm not doing anything without Harry." "Of course you aren't." Lydral said with a roll of his eyes, "You're whipped, you won't do anything without your female." Dante bit his tongue before he looked to Mike and Benjamin, settling his eyes softly on Mike as he nodded. "Will it be safe for you to go back?" He asked with a tilt of his head, "I don't want to have you go back there if there is any danger." [hr] Rose looked over to the guard as he walked in and talked about food. Her stomach snarled and she crawled over towards the table the food was placed on and didn't even hesitate before she started to eat. Rose didn't even move until she was finished the full plate before she clicked her mandibles and looked around the room a bit more; her eyes focused and then unfocused. She shook her head and let out a low rumble before she want to the bed and clambered on top of it and pulled up part of the duvet, moving to stick it to the walls and bed parts with her webbing before she moved to settle inside the new half web, half duvet cocoon. Steph looked to Lily with a small smile at the mention of her getting books. She paused at the mention of food. "Food would be good," She started before she weakly smiled, "I'll pass on the Tiramisu, but thank you. Coffee doesn't react well to me. I'd be happy with just a plain piece of chocolate cake or something if dessert is allowed, otherwise I will be fine with whatever food you guys can give me." Gaia lifted her head and looked to the guards, looking directly at the tazer sticks before she slunk out of the door slowly. "Live." She rumbled, attempting to spook them if she could, but her hunger was just getting the better of her. Her nostrils flared slightly as she took in the smell, focusing on the air around her. The figure in the tank moved to watch the guards and Gaia, moving to pat his hand against the glass. He attempted to get their attention before he swum in a circle before swimming back towards the other side of the glass. [hr] Daz gave a laugh at the mention of Harriet. "She's gone." He said, his voice almost weakening, "Abandoned us like an angered God. You've angered her, I've angered her. May we pray that the clouds take mercy." He almost rambled, his eyes glazed and blood still dripping from his lips.