[right][h2]Kjartan Knudsen[/h2][/right] [hr] "West?" Kjartan nodded. "As in, past Ireland?" Another nod. "On purpose?" Two blonde eyebrows rose slightly. "Alright, I'll go." Jaska Lindholm gave a short shrug and stretched out his long legs toward the fires heat. "Good." Kjartan, seated next to his friend on the dirt floor, raised his drinking horn in a toast. "Åse is in charge." "When wasn't she?" Green eyes crinkled in amusement above a bushy black beard as Jaska rolled his eyes toward the person in question, who was talking animatedly with another Dane nearby. "Sailing Eriks boat then?" "Aye, no one else has any claim to it. It seems we both had the same thought. I have to say the idea of going on a proper voyage intrigues me. I don't reckon I have much time left anyway and I feel like an adventure would make a fine end." "I can't say I ever gave it any thought until just now, but the prospect of returning to a life pushing a plow while kids ripping around and the woman damning my soul does not appeal to me..." Going unsaid was Jaskas dislike of his third wife. She, a Christian convert, had been a political marriage and was forever badgering her husband to renounce Thor to follow the nailed god. "I could use some time away from the hearthstead." His mug knocked against Kjartans with the toast. Kjartan was glad the Finn had decided to come. The two men were near the same in height but Jaska was considerably thinner, and a savage with a battle axe. They had known each other the better part of ten years and shared numerous battlefields; their relationship had outlasted two wives and now their sworn lord. Each had a wander lust that had been suspended only by their oath to Jarl Erik. A slave, newly taken in the raid, approached them and offered up a platter of crisped pork. Kjartan noted the bruise beneath one eye and the slight limp that betrayed a pain between her legs. He took a hunk of the meat, the juices warm as they ran down his fingers, and grunted his thanks. Jaska thanked the slave in flawless English and she looked startled for a moment, then scurried away to serve the others gathered about the blaze. "Never been one to enjoy rape," Jaska muttered as if reading Kjartans mind. "It seems to lose something of the point, don't it?" Kjartan nodded as he continued to observe the rest of group gathered in the church. He had made his rounds, as had Åse, to spread the word of their planned journey. The conversations had been short, a quick "That's right, we're sailing west and looking for a crew" before moving on to the next. Some had dismissed the idea outright with a laugh or groan, while more than a few were looking pensively into the flames or their ale. It was not a prospect to be taken lightly, and he knew well the type of person they might attract. He tore took a chunk of meat free with his teeth and chewed, enjoying the crunchiness of the pork. It made him realize that they would have to lay in some supplies if they were to go. That shouldn't be an issue, there was always a glut of useful items after a battle. Not only from the enemy dead, but their camp as well, which had been plundered shortly after the battle. Still half lost in thought, he glanced across the flames to watch Åse. Firelight danced off her blonde hair and silver hooped earrings and he felt, as he had ever since he met her, an undeniable attraction to her. Perhaps this journey was going to be about more than adventure, perhaps it could be a fresh start for both of them.