Tova winced in response to Goroth’s answer. She should have known family would be a sensitive topic to bring up - it’s not like any of them would be here if they had family to turn to. She sure as hell didn’t want to talk about hers, [color=FFDEAD]”Ah, sorry, I-”[/color] She was cut off when something - or someone? - flew into the room, bumping straight into the wall, before scurrying to hide behind one of the soft chairs. The sudden movement caused Tova to throw herself back against the bookcase with a loud yell, books toppling to the floor around her. Then Goroth stormed fully into the room, sword and presumably murder at the ready, which made her yell again. [color=4b56e1]"Jwih oce qeagh ijh hub'boch acs heeyh jhe bahjeg ot jwe wouhe'wozs."[/color] The thing behind the soft chair rasped in a strange voice, which made her hair stand on end. It also waved a familiar letter. [color=green]"The hell is it saying?"[/color] Goroth asked. [color=FFDEAD]”How am I supposed to know!?”[/color] Tova said, still plastered against the bookcase and doing her best to push down her panic. Managing a full deep breath, she then added, [color=FFDEAD]”It - it seems to have a letter, though. Like us. Um...Hello?”[/color] She said to the creature, [color=FFDEAD]”Are you...Friendly? Do you understand us?”[/color] Goroth, apparently lacking any sort of self-preservation, started to approach the creature. [color=FFDEAD]”Stop it! It’ll bite your head off!”[/color] She urged in a low voice. She would go and try to physically stop him, but if he wanted to act stupid he was free to do so on his own. She felt more safe trying to become one with the bookcase.