[center][h1][color=00a651][b][u]NERO KAYAKOS[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] That shot was actually going to go wide. You'll see why later. We'll start with the moment by which the Blue Crow intercepted Nero's attacks with a very shiny sword. Now, Nero wasn't an overly-smart guy, but his experience as part of the Ascendancy would properly inform him about the nature and uses of Perfected Electrim, that it was a difficult substance to make and very precious, because it was nigh-unbreakable and could be charged with magic. The Ascendancy had ALOT of the stuff at his disposal, and Nero had been rather keen to steal some, but uhh...they knew never to store it on the same [i]ship[/i] as him, so he never got any. Fast-forward to the preasant, where he and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4utKWsS52I8]Birdman[/url] were now properly clashing, because - surprisingly - the guy wasn't having any trouble following his movements, and he had a magic sword to defend himself with. Go fig. [b]"Did they tell you that Kaisoken Dust worked only on [i]children?[/i]"[/b] Nero actually shot back with [color=00a651]"I don't really [i]care[/i] what the Ascendancy told me."[/color], but Blue Crow would never hear it. Even if he could see right through the Shadow Step, he probably couldn't penetrate the silence of it. It's just as well. Nero would only infuriate him, and he didn't need that in his day [i]on top of[/i] whatever came to pass in the next few minutes. The disappearing blade, while a nice trick, didn't have the impact it was expected to. Maybe if it had been swung at somebody else. Maybe...[i]anybody[/i] else. Because if its invisibility aura didn't register on Nero's visor - say, if it were on the wrong setting or there wasn't a setting FOR this - and the sword itself didn't raise the right kind of sparks to practically illuminate it when in contract with the Electro-Daggers...there was still Nero himself. He's not smart, at least...not if you asked him the square root of a very big number and told him he couldn't have a calculator, or anything heavy about history, or [i]alot[/i] of academics... He had great instincts, though, and very perceptive. Plus, he moves with great speed and precision. And let's not forget how good he is with those knives. It doesn't take him much to imagine where the blade is and act accordingly, which is why - apart from the occasional flinch - Blue Crow accomplished nothing. Nero deflected him as much as the man had done same when they began fighting. The mercenary saw through his stealth power. The Star Marine saw through the stealthy blade. One-All. This is why Nero was able to spoil Blue Crow's shot towards one of his friends in back. He had the proper ability to turn aside the invisible blade and snap Monomolecular Blade #2 at the wrist of the merc when he was taking aim. Even if the guy was properly armored, that was an 'Agh!'-Quality distraction, and the Matthews wouldn't even be [i]threatened[/i]. They took cover anyway, and shoved their earth wall forward in a manner to benefit their wraith-y comrade. That's completely fine. During the transition of said wall, Nero would perform a stomping kick against [s]Clue Brow's[/s] [s]Blue's Clues[/s] [s]Crude Bowel's[/s] Blue Crow's knee, both to cause him a nice imbalance and to generally kick OFF of him to roll back on that ramp now.