[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200801/1feff4d45c38eae1315e288c427dc5a6.png[/img][/center] Eclipse couldn't decide whether he was angry or tired, probably both at this point. The only thing really keeping him going was the need for answers, and unfortunately they had none of those. Just more questions. He smiled slightly as he felt Skua lean into him, it was grounding for the both of them and that was something they needed at this point. It was either that or do something he'd would [i]definitely[/i] regret later. He felt a little bad as he saw Dreamseeker's ears drop. He hadn't meant to accuse her of not being helpful because she certainly was.[color=ed1c24][b] "I suppose that would be our best bet here. One of them had to have seen something, even if they weren't involved in it. At best we'll get information about who might be responsible, and at worst we figure out where someone who can help us is in the camp."[/b][/color] He waved a paw through the air, [color=ed1c24][b]"It's either that or we sit around here doing nothing productive until tomorrow when we meet with Queen Ardent, and I don't know about the rest of you but if I sit around any longer I'm gonna lose it."[/b][/color] He paused at Skua's question, glancing off deeper into the camp where he could see the platforms and trees all intermingled together. It really looked like a maze to someone who wasn't familiar with the space. [color=f7941d][b]"Well there's plenty of dragons about and we don't really know the lay of the land here,"[/b][/color] Aardwolf finally piped up, [color=f7941d][b]"If we want to make sure it's someone who didn't hear us talking I say we just fly deeper in until we come across someone who looks reasonably friendly and willing to have a chat."[/b][/color] Eclipse snorted softly. He made it sound so simple, but he did have a point about them not knowing anything about this place. As long as they stuck to the platforms though they should be fine. [color=ed1c24][b]"Alright,"[/b][/color] he hefted himself to his feet, [color=ed1c24][b]"Let's get to it then."[/b][/color] He stepped to the edge of the platform looking up and down before leaping off into the sky towards one of the platforms he could see higher up and deeper in the forest.