[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjE5OC5EMkI0OEMuVTJsbS4w/creattion-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=tan][b]Location:[/b][/color] Wayfarer's Retreat -- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] [color=#DD9C00]“Well, we’re not here for a jamboree. What’d you think it was, kid?”[/color] The brown-haired girl with twin-tailed rolled her eyes as Alex sat down near them, [color=tan]“Excuse my brother, he has the intelligence of a drunk chimpanzee. But yes, this is the queue for the new dungeon. By my estimations we are only missing a few people before we reach an optimal number for a blind run.”[/color] [color=#DD9C00]“Numbers shumbers, I want to crack some heads already!”[/color] Siegfried was being Siegfried again. This was something that Sif knew well given her brother’s lack of patience was pretty tantamount to expected behavior unless it came to his side-projects. This translated typically in the game with him being impulsive and brutish with base content but exceedingly pedantic and meticulous when it came to sword and armor-crafting. In many ways he was the mirror opposite of her. She was meticulous, analytical, and patient with the base content whereas she didn’t put much stock or care into gathering of materials or refinement of them. For an alchemist, she most often just relied on the materials in town markets and used basic recipes rather than experimenting on her own. She just didn’t see a point in something that wasn’t very exciting—and she very much found dungeoneering the most exciting mathematical quandary in-game. She supposed that was why she was going for a mathematics major once she graduated from High School. She smiled warmly as she made a comment at her brother's expense, [color=tan]“Like I said. A drunk chimpanzee.”[/color] [color=#DD9C00]“I think I'm a rather sober chimpanzee, Sif.”[/color] The twin-tailed girl sighed. [color=tan]“[i]Anyway.[/i] Have you been in Thorinn long, Mr. Ranger? You do many blind runs?”[/color] [color=#DD9C00]“I’unno. They don’t look that geared up. Better not be a noob.”[/color] The brown haired girl smacked her brother upside the head, smiling as he grumbled a [b]“ow”[/b] as she did so. While her brother did have a point, Sif didn’t quite agree. The ranger before her didn’t look like he wasn’t geared up, but rather his gear wasn’t particularly [i]elite[/i]. If she had to guess he was probably an intermediate dungeoneer, maybe only a tier below them. Siegfried may have acted like the 1% but Sif knew that all of that was all bark. They were intermediate players. Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, if he scared off the ranger that would mess up Sif's numbers and she was not about to have that. [color=tan]“Siegfried, please don't be an asshole. That's why you have no friends.”[/color] She commented before reasserting her point before, [color=tan]“This wouldn't be our first, but don't make my brother's bullheadedness fool you, we're nowhere near the top of the leaderboards. I imagine you're plenty experienced by the look of your weaponry. You aren't using a beginner's quiver, after all.”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]