[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210102/04bd11e7fc562474def4f74fc6339e81.png[/img][/center] [color=00a651][i]What's her problem?[/i][/color] Hawkpaw wondered as she saw the narrowed eyes of Lavenderpaw in her direction. She didn't have to be friendly, but she could at least not make it so obvious that she didn't like them. She saw Frostpaw press himself closer to Dew-whisker; seemingly hoping that he could vanish into the speckled gray fur of his mentor. She felt bad for the nervous young tom. Clearly he didn't do great around other cats and hostility wasn't going to make that any better. She followed after Blackmoon and the rest of their party as they disappeared into the tunnels. She already started to feel nervous as they lost sight of the little bit of sky that they could see through the pines and those nerves only increased at the unfamiliar smells that swirled around the tunnels. How the DuskClan cats could live like this she could never guess, and it didn't seem like they were interested in chatting about it either. She stuck close to Blackmoon as her paws slipped a bit on the sandy floor of the decline they were following. The medicine cats made this journey every moon? It must get tiring after a while knowing that the place to speak with StarClan was in a deep, dark hole. Not that she'd let that stop her from fulfilling her duties to the best of her ability. She didn't want to let Blackmoon or her clanmates down. As they entered a room where they could once again see the sky she felt her eyes widen and her jaw drop a bit as she looked up into the bright light of the half-moon and the stones around it that looked like they were made of the stars themselves. It was beautiful. She was so distracted looking up that she didn't even notice anything was wrong until she heard Braveleap cry out. Her head snapped towards the Moonbrook and she recoiled in horror at the still, matted body that floated in the water. She wanted to follow Blackmoon, and the others, to see what had happened but she couldn't get her paws to move from where they'd rooted themselves to the floor of the cavern. She looked to her left and saw that Frostpaw had pressed himself down onto the stone, ears flat against his head and fur fluffed up as if he could ward off the panic that suddenly filled the room. Addertongue and Hailshine rushed past after Braveleap. The bravado that the sandy colored tom had possessed when they first met drained away as he stared in shock between the body of Russetfern and his grieving clanmate. Hailshine stepped next to Braveleap pressing her side against his offering what little comfort she could as Dawnwing stepped gingerly into the stream. The small calico pressed her nose gently into Russetfern's sodden fur and felt no warmth or breath. As Dew-whisker had said, all it took was the one bite and he was gone. She let out a mournful sigh before looking towards Braveleap, [b]"I'm sorry Braveleap, there's nothing I can do for him, it's been too long."[/b] She looked up towards the sky, hoping that StarClan was still watching, [b]"He was a courageous and kind warrior and BirchClan will mourn terribly for his loss.[/b] Hawkpaw could see Willowcloud standing nearby looking just as confused and stricken by this as the rest of them, but before the medicine cat could say anything Shadeclaw whirled towards her from where he'd been standing near the back of the room. [b]"What's the meaning of this?!"[/b] His teeth were bared and green eyes flared with anger as his tail lashed wildly behind him, [b]"Is this some kind of sick way of admitting DuskClan has been responsible for these murders this whole time?! Of declaring war between clans?!"[/b]