[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210117/7423788cb403d4c94cda8db158b092fa.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#dc143c][b]Location:[/b][/color] Wayfarer's Retreat -- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] Graves finished off his drink just as some pipsqueak sauntered up to the bar for a refill. She was the one that'd attracted so much attention earlier-- odd, considering he knew everybody worth knowin', and he didn't know her. At a glance he couldn't tell if she was irritated or just had one'a those faces, so he decided not to press his luck and pushed off the counter the moment she'd gotten there. [color=dc143c]"Welcome to another of Aaginim's classic clusterfucks."[/color] He snickered, giving her a quick too-hard slap to the shoulder just as he walked off. [color=dc143c]"Good luck!"[/color] Circling around to avoid the two fightin' blondes at the center of the room, Graves continued to take in the various side conversations. They were a motley lot of players: some of 'em were greener than grass, others looked like they could break the top twenty on their best days. More the former than the latter, Graves guessed. Too few in number to challenge that new dungeon that'd popped up outside of Thorinn. Dungeon delving had never been one of his specialties, but he had the cursory knowledge to know this group needed a little more [i]experience[/i] if it wanted to succeed. [color=dc143c][i]'I really am the good Samaritan, coming upon the broken man on the road. What could they do without me?'[/i][/color] The truth in his self-aggrandizing theory was only further cemented in his mind when he came upon a mage, sat alone with her lesser feast already summoned. She was one of the newer Wayfarers, then. Or woefully under prepared for a raid like this. Graves approached with an obnoxious swagger in his stride, throwing a leg over the bench across from her and straddled it rather than sit like a normal human being. [color=dc143c]"You know,"[/color] he plucked one of the sandwiches from the basket and stuffed it into his gullet, [color=dc143c]"shtish shtuff's gonna run outh before we even get shtere." [/color] He swallowed it in maybe two bites before grabbing a second. Useless, sure, but admittedly quite tasty. [color=dc143c]"Ya always buff up right outside'a the dungeon, kid. This your first time doin' this kinda thing? I mean, not to knock ya or anything, but..."[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]