[center][h1][color=00a651]Hobgoblin Zats[/color][/h1][/center] Zats took his own of the berries he had collected and headed out the church. When he got to what looked like a good spot he used his rabbit horn to dig several small holes in the ground and planted his loot. After covering the holes back up he considered looking for one of those swords. He quickly decided to stick with his spear since he was pretty good with it. So Zats left the church-grounds in order to look for a good decent sized stick, he looked both on the forest floor and in the trees since he didn't want to waste too much time on this task. After about five minutes he came across a tree with several branches that seemed like they would make decent sticks. After thinking it over for a bit he decided he might as well go for them all since young could probably use some weapon. He set his shield at the base of the tree and started climbing. It took him some effort but eventually he made it and began breaking of the branches he thought would make good spears. Five minutes later Zats was back on solid ground and had four mostly straight sticks of varying lengths, which he thought was a decent amount. Back at the church he dropped three of them on the ground. Since he unfortunately ha no way to combine his rabbit horn and stick into a spear that would have to wait. Instead he headed for the few books still in the church to try and learn to read them. [hider=EXp, skill and inventory] EXP: Inventory: [list] [*] Everoak Shield [*] Rabbit skin loincloth [*] Rabbit horn [*] Stick [/list] Acquired Skills: [list] [*][b]Crush[/b] [*][b]Knowledge of the Three[/b] [*][b]Pole arm combat beginner[/b] [*][b]Creaturologist[/b] [*] [b]Military Strategy [u]Centurian position[/u][/b] [*] [b]Gravekeepers spirit [/b] [*][b]Instant armor[/b] [/list] Titles: Blessings: Curses: [/hider]