[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210130/e0cb160ca3d86f8cb8540be25e5665b5.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#98A9B1][b]Location:[/b][/color] Wayfarer’s Retreat -- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] [color=plum]"I'm here, It looks like I'm in time for...what are we doing here again?"[/color] Benkei wanted to buy his face into his hands. [i]How many times did he have to explain in-game concepts to his older brother?[/i] Wasn’t it the older son’s responsibility to be more knowledgeable about the world? Still, this was a game, and it wasn’t piano, which meant it was far away from anything in Kazuki’s wheelhouse. [color=98A9B1]“We’re going to tackle brand new content, specifically a raid that no one has completed yet.”[/color] He scanned the room as more people entered. Here came the [i]clingers[/i] he thought, the players who couldn’t perform at the top on their own and used top tier players to help them reach the top. [color=98A9B1]"And here come the parasites,”[/color] Benkei grumbled in a low tone. His older brother was just one step above a parasite since he actually [i]healed;[/i] at least sometimes. [color=98A9B1]“The most important thing is that we get that clear. If there’s any healer gear, we both roll for it, and I can trade it with you. I’d like your cast speed to be up by two percent so we can start tackling even higher level content-”[/color] He caught his brother before the older one could sigh,[color=98A9B1]“which all you have to do is keep healing me. I’ll handle the mobs, like always.”[/color] The female tank-the rude one-she was already causing trouble, which caused Benkei to twist his mouth into a slight smirk.[color=98A9B1] “At least I’m not the one starting fights tonight.”[/color]There’d be time enough for that later. [/indent] [/indent][/indent]