[img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ba88d7_d35f34787b6949f2ad581019e12212a0~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_630,h_347,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/ba88d7_d35f34787b6949f2ad581019e12212a0~mv2.webp[/img] [color=00aeef]Aloy Status: 3/10 (+1) Level 1 Location: Frozen Highlands//Snowdin (Grillsby’s)[/color] =========================================== Aloy’s Focus determined exactly who and what were possible threats and the first thing on her mind was that of the “Hylian” who appeared as an extreme threat to her. She’d have to stay clear out of their way for now but she knew when she was somewhat out of her league regarding abilities. Aloy looked frustrated that the flame creature gave her very little information for what was clearly a valuable element in her world. She was about to press for more information as she disliked creatures or people who would dodge questions. She’d dealt with a lot of it with Sylven, and it irritated the heck out of her. The strange woman who had entered before her had answered her questions of where she arrived at and what had happened with her world truthfully which was all she was looking for. Things began to take a turn for the worse when Grillsby’s began to shake and the door was being slammed into. Aloy bit her tongue, trying not to attract attention to herself. Aloy kept her attitude in check as there was a new and clear danger to the restaurant at the front door and perhaps the other woman. The man busted in, wearing nothing, no coat but had tattoos, and clear he was used to the weather around him. Aloy was already on guard, she had just gotten here and a fight was clearly ready to start between this guy yelling about Seekers. She had never gotten a clear explanation about what a “Seeker” was yet but this guy was now ready to threaten everyone in this place unless she did something. The man began to fight the woman she was talking to and both were fighting. But it was clear she wasn’t targeted. If she did something now, she’d be targeted too. She saw the stranger’s bolts being clearly shrugged off. This man was very powerful and leagues above her. She could escape with her wits and her body intact, she had hoped if she timed this right. She very carefully timed her steps, using whatever tables and tools around the area to get herself closer to the door and away from the fight at hand. She would fight if her hand was forced to protect herself. Word count- 392 (+1) [@Gentlemanvaultboy] [@Lugubrious]