[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210119/e22bd06ad7c8eb71800663bf01cd8627.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr] As the guild hall slowly grew noisier around her, Alja drained the rest of her tankard, then turned to the guy--looked like some kind of archer, ranged DPS, or maybe a CC-based support?--who'd just sat down next to them. She raised the empty mug, smiling at him. "[color=d1fffc]Yeah, raid group's here. Sorry that they're all like this, most of 'em aren't very good at being social a lot of the time.[/color]" She winked at Kalie, her smile remaining to show she meant no real offense, then turned back to the newcomer. "[color=d1fffc]Don't worry about it, though. Stick with me, you'll be okay. Name's Alja, just holler for me if you need some defensive buffs or there's some add that won't get his ass off you. Now, if you'll excuse me,[/color]" she laughed and stood, cracking her neck as she looked at what seemed an imminent fight between Graves and Rael and [i]oh boy[/i] was Alja not ready for that before the raid even started, "[color=d1fffc]I think I need to go keep some people in line so we don't kill each other. Be back in a minute.[/color]" She turned back to Kalie, giving her a wide grin. "[color=d1fffc]And please, Kalie; don't turn the kid into some servant of a dark god before I get back, alright?[/color]" Leaving the brown-haired, nondescript archer behind and turning her back on Kalie, she marched on over to the brewing fight, shouldering her way between the two of them and spreading her arms, pushing a hand into each of their chests none-too-gently to force them apart. She gave a brief apologetic look to the confused (somewhat underleveled-looking) mage between them. Alja had always prided herself on being a friendly presence, someone you could laugh and maybe drink a couple beers with, no matter who you were. But she had no patience for people who put other's games at risk. Dungeons could take hours, maybe days to fully clear, and while she was happy to waste her own time, wasting other peoples' didn't sit right with her. If these two bickered enough to cause a wipe, then they'd need to start the whole damn thing over from scratch, and they probably wouldn't even get the first clear that so many of them wanted. So she needed to try nipping this problem in the bud. "[color=d1fffc]I [i]swear[/i], you two,[/color]" she said, laugh gone from her tone, "[color=d1fffc]we haven't even started the raid yet. Hell, I don't even know if the whole group is here. But here you two are, goin' at it, already about to kill each other. Did you forget that this is unfamiliar territory? I'm sure you'd be fine doing this at the Alcara Temple or the Astral Tower. Hell, you're good enough to probably pull off the Deepfire Crypt like this. But new dungeon, new tricks. This is [i]fully[/i] endgame content. We're gonna need to work together [i]very[/i] well, or else this raid is going to chew us up and spit us out like nothin'.[/color]" She held up one of her hands, a violent ice-storm barely contained in her magical grip, and looked back and forth between the two of them. "[color=d1fffc]Now are the two of you going to cool your heads, or am I gonna need to cool 'em for you?[/color]" After a moment, her thunderhead eyebrows lightened, and she banished the cloud of Primordial ice, slapping Graves on the shoulder. "[color=d1fffc]Anyway, now that that's over, wanna get a drink?[/color]"