[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210309/5689b6395b8279d1015505309adaa1f2.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#A84B5E][b]Location:[/b][/color] Wayfarer's Retreat -- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] [color=#A84B5E]“You aren’t my fucking babysitter, ice queen.”[/color] Rael [i]snarled[/i], as her hand twitched. Normally in these kind of situations she would have already pulled up the console commands and toggled PvP. The only reason she hadn’t already toggled it and opened up an attack was out of begrudging respect for Aaginim and the prospect of being the first one inside of a new dungeon. As inflamed as her pride was at the moment, she couldn’t help but keep that in the back of her mind. Her brows narrowed further and she clenched her fists. She was about to answer Graves when another voice cut through the crowd. Loud and intolerant. Angry. Rael turned toward the door and her eyes met the voice’s. [b][color=378E75]“If either of you toggle PVP [i]anywhere[/i] you’re [i]out[/i] of the fucking raid!”[/color][/b] In the shadow of a newly opened door there stood Luci—or as she titled herself, Luci [i]the Divine Lady of Swords and Song[/i]. Standing beside her was a pink-haired wizard with her arms crossed and eyebrows raised, to her right was a smiling green-haired archer. Rael knew them well enough; Leaves was a skilled DPS and dungeoneer and the mage, Priscilica, was probably more trigger happy than everyone in the entire hall and that was without mentioning her own temper. With that in mind, Rael groaned knowing that two of the three were just waiting for a reason to have their boots meet her ass. She knew it, most everyone knew it, and with Enos’ warning earlier it was this time that Rael decided not to press her luck. [color=#A84B5E]“Yeah. Okay, whatever. I don’t fight incels, anyway.”[/color] She retorted with a scoff. before turning her back and heading back towards the bar. She could hear the conversation unfold as she put distance between them. The pink-haired wizard eyed Graves as Rael moved away. [color=C4407A]“What about you, chuckles? Do you still want to dance? ‘cause I got a fireball with your name on it.”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]