Tavia watched the man as he dropped to one knee and bowed to her as she approached him. [color=8882be][i]"Good, he knows his place, for now.[/i][/color] She thought to herself as he then rose, her eyes glancing back over at Anna wondering why she looked like she did and the guards around her seeming a bit more stern looking then usual. Priority first, she had a guest that needed tending to first. Her eyes looking back to him and traveled up and down him before meeting his own as he answered her quesetions. [color=8882be] "I am glad to hear your travels were safe and secure. There is still time before the events will start, I can see that you are eager, you are the first to arrive. I am pleased that you are here, none the less. " [/color] Her tone still strong and stern, her soft side pushed and tucked away, lost deep within her. Looking to the guards now, her eyes tone sounding a bit harsher then whens he had spoke to the Duke. [color=8882be] "You. " [/color] She turned away from the Duke and walked towards the guard [color=8882be] "Will treat the staff with more respect then that. They are the ones that keep this place running. You can show his guards where they will be staying, the guest wing, he gets first pick of whichever room he wants in the wing. " [/color] She told him with a hint of annoyance and anger in her voice. Sometimes even the guards needed to be reminded just who ran the castle. Giving a soft sigh as she turned to Anna, her tone completely shifting to a much softer one though it was still strong and authoritive. [color=8882be] "Anna, is everything okay here?" [/color] Her eyes watching the servant to make sure she didnt try and cover anything up. It annoyed the Princess for guards to talk to the servant as if they were beneath them and trash. True they were not as high up or ranked as a guard, but Tavia knew all to well that her servants kept the place going. She had always demanded they be treated with respect unless they had done something to warrant other wise. Hoping the Duke didnt mind as she had to get things under control, not at all how she wanted to greet the first arrival for the tournament, but there was notihng she could do about it now. After dealing with guards and Anna, she turned back to the Duke and gave a warmer smile to then before. [color=8882be] "If you feel up to it, I can personally give you a walk around the castle." [/color] Her voice back to the authoritive and stern she had before but holding a bit more of softness then before as well.