Hello, Been looking for a long term partner! I'm a casual writer ( about two or three pararaphs per post , of course if its intro then longer) Im online almost everyday, so I can promise to post at least once a day. I dont expect my partners to do so, but at least once every other day. I can play MxM, FxM - I dont mind playing the male or the female. I can roleplay here, on discord, gmail, google docs.. So as for ideas, I didnt have something cut out but maybe we can work something out. Also, these are fandoms and I prefer playing OC's not canon characters, that being said I dont mind if you take canons. I really want to do something with mental illness too. Regarding mature themes: I don't mind violence, gore, blood, drugs, death , sex etc Plots: [hider=Do Not Hug Me!] Do not hug me! (Based off Fruits Basket) A large family is cursed with the Zodiac curse. Some of the children that are born into the family, are turning to Chinese Zodiac animals when they hug the opposite sex. The head of the family, is a rather psychotic, selfish person, who is feared by all family members. My character (Male) is sold to the head of the family, to keep him/her entertained. He is being tormented, mentally and physically abused throughout his whole childhood until he moves out of the main family estate and goes away to live alone/with another family member. From there, it can vary - YC could be a male or a female, a classmate, a co-worker, roommate, and I want them to get to know each other and have their relationship bloom. Variations: They don't have to shift to different Zodiac members, they can have a different curse. It can be MxM, or MxF, I'll be playing the male. [/hider] [hider=Blessed be The Fruit] Blessed be the Fruit (Handmaid's Tale based) In a not so far away future, infertility has become a normal thing, and those who are able to get pregnant and carry to term became a rare occasion. Women who get pregnant naturally are seen as blessed and lucky, while most other women use medical procedures to procreate. Given that situation, an extremely religious (doesn't matter which religion) party starts to act out and aggressively force their beliefs on people. Shortly after they are elected, the whole modern world is transformed. Gay relationships are a taboo. Sex for pleasure is a taboo. Atheism is a taboo. And many more things are. Women who were able to bare children, are separated from their kids, and are being sent to what is called "The Red Center" - a "learning" facility in which they teach the women how to be a Handmaid. In this world, a handmaid is sent to a unfortunate home, in which the wife can not get pregnant (whether it is because of the husband or because of her), and the Handmaid would sleep with the husband and carry his child. After birth, the handmaid is sent to a different family to do the same. This can go to a lot of places. What I was thinking, was that a young handmaid is coming to her first house, and falls in love with the husband/his brother, or some other taboo relationship. this roleplay will contain rape scenes, and other mature themed scenarios, please be aware. In this roleplay I would like to play the handmaid. [/hider] [hider=Loving You is a Losing Game] Loving you is a losing game: I don't quite have a well set out plot for this one, but I want something that has to do with a very long, loving relationship that starts to fall apart for one reason or another. It can be many things; work, drinking/drugs problem, not being able to conceive and so on. I dont mind to play the male or the female in this roleplay. [/hider]