[h3]Cole Cerus[/h3] This is not good, they got a daemonette trying to sway them, and something is going on with Adrianne. He thought, not good at all. Then the daemonette finally stopped talking to him and the hologram dissipated but, not before the daemonette spoke of a gift for them. A gift... that can't be good knowing a demon and when the runes disappeared on the massive door. Cole took aim at the door and waited for whatever would come out. Instead of an enemy, the door was torn and launched at them. Cole side-stepping the debris that came at him just in time. Narrowly getting hit, and returned his gaze to the now open space where the doors were. Five fricking Horrors of Tzeentch, and it looked like these ones could fly. Cole gritted his teeth, of course, it had to be that, and took aim at the foul Chaos spawn. Firing off a couple of shots at the closest one towards him. The red laser fire hitting the Horror in the head, and it seems to recoil a bit before pressing onwards. Then watching as Stukov run forward with blade and pistol towards one of the Horrors. "Mad man," Cole said under his breath. After that, Adrianne unleashed a wave of psychic at the Horrors and managed to not only slow their advance but pin them in place for the time being. It took Cole no time to take advantage of this. Quickly aiming once again at a Horror, and fired his lasgun rapidly until its barrel turned red hot. Boy, did he wish they had more firepower. Lasguns then to be good when there was a group of them firing at a target. Not a single one and but, still Cole kept firing none the less. Even if his single Lasgun might not be much, it is still doing something, and so he kept firing at the Horrors. God-Emperor willing that they can get through this one.