Just a 30 something girl looking to create an RP world. Long term, advanced, literate partners, please. [hider=About Me] Discord. Prefer 25+ Male writers. NSFW is fine, as long as it's not the entire point. The entire point is the story, the escape. I enjoy plotting, (not every little detail) and using face claims and other pictures for setting a scene, etc. OOC chat is great. It enhances the story if we have a good rapport. I have a life, and I expect you do, too. A head's up is always appreciated. Please be literate. I'm not a grammar Nazi, I won't call you out for every little mistake. I make them, too. But we're writing here, so, shouldn't we try to write well? I can tell you that I'm a strong writer, and I've been doing RP for 10 years or more now. I can post a little, or a lot, depending on what you like and what one or both of us has going on. But I'm easygoing and not demanding, so we can work out the details. Routinely post 5 or more paragraphs. I'm detailed and descriptive, and I like my partners to be the same. Don't be weird. I'm here to write with you, not date you. [/hider] Now, on to the Interest Checks - All details/characters/plots/settings are negotiable! [hider=Fabulous Fifties] Scroll past pic for interest check :) [img]https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/66fdf57/2147483647/strip/true/crop/500x320+0+0/resize/840x538!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F10%2F4e%2Fd44e64f1a0ef295bf65c452df119%2Fla-fi-thegarage14jul14-jl3copnc[/img] Fabulous Fifties - The year is 1955. America’s economy is booming post WWII, though our OCs were still kids during the war, we remember it. The country is in a time of suspicion and is clinging to conformity and old-school family values. Our OCs live in a smallish coastal town in the north east, where everyone knows everyone else, but we didn’t run in the same circles. Your OC is the guy from the wrong side of the tracks, and My OC is the town’s golden girl. She comes from a father with old money, probably a shipping and imports/exports man who skirts that gray area between legal and not. Her mother runs just about every committee in town. Now in their early 20s, My Oc’s engaged to a guy who’s an entitled rich guy with a temper she’s starting to see, He has a bit of a scotch problem. For a reason we can figure out together, our characters become friends...and it turns to something more. Sneaking around only gets them so far - eventually they’ll have to let each other go, or tell their families and face the consequences. [/hider] [hider=63 Love Affair] Scroll past pic to read interest check :) [img]https://variety.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/teenbeachmovie.jpg[/img] ‘63 Love Affair - It’s the summer of 1963 - before Kennedy is assassinated, six years before the draft kicks in, and your OC and my OC meet on a trip to the beach with our separate groups of friends. A few ‘lies’ are told, because neither of our characters wants to be who they are - just this once - and they end up spending two amazing weeks on the beaches in Hilton Head. They fall in love in those two weeks, but now they’ve both told lies so they’ll have to go back to their ‘real’ lives despite their feelings. The Lie he’s told is that his family owns the beach house he’s staying at, when in truth it’s his friend’s family. He’s working in HH at a hotel for the summer and staying with his friend to meet girls, have a little fun, but mostly save money for his expensive education. He’s on a work-study scholarship to Babson, an all male university in Mass. She, in turn, tells him she doesn’t have a boyfriend (because the one she has is a rich tool who screws around on her) and is there staying at her friend’s beach house, when in reality, it’s her big bad rich daddy who owns it. She tells him she wants to be a writer, which is true, but she knows she never can be past working for the college newspaper. In two weeks, she has to go back to her real life, her senior year at Wellesley. And after graduation, her family expects her to settle down and be a good housewife, etc. Their two colleges, of course, are very close to one another. I figure she’s gonna dump her boyfriend when she gets back, and her roommate is going to insist she go out on a double date with one of her roommate’s new boyfriend’s best buds. Which turns out to be, you guessed it, your OC. Now they’ll hate each other for the lies (hypocrites) but of course won’t be able to stay away from one another for long. And once they are together, her friends, her parents, his friends, her ex...the whole world is gonna try and tear them apart. [/hider] [hider=Between The Lines] Scroll past pic to read interest check :) [img]https://image.freepik.com/free-photo/young-couple-talking-rock-by-sea-setting-sun_209487-666.jpg[/img] Between The Lines This one could flip a ton of ways. The basic premise is, one of our OCs is famous. An actor, who is at the height of a hot career, has the world at their feet, the paps following them, screaming fans, etc. The other OC is a writer, with a modest career just beginning to take off. The writer reads, doesn’t watch TV or go to the movies, so therefore has no idea who the Actor OC is. The writer has recently moved to the quiet little hometown of the actor - the one place left on earth that the actor is treated like a normal person. That’s where they meet, and end up spending time together. When the first meet, the actor maybe thinks the writer is just treating them like a normal person, but quickly figures out the writer has no clue who they are. It’s refreshing. So the actor doesn’t fess up right away. Now the writer has suddenly found themselves with a book that Hollywood is dying to buy - but has managed to maintain their anonymity thanks to a nom de plume. And when the book is being cast, well, guess who they’re considering for the lead. The two ‘meet’ again at a swanky Hollywood party. Then what happens? Guess that’s up to us. [/hider] [hider=Lights, Camera, Love] Scroll past picture to view interest check :) [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ea/0f/20/ea0f204d934ff43ae521a5190b2e16a3.jpg?epik=dj0yJnU9bzNYcldQaUFaaHFWMkItUHhWTV9meG5WNjItSk1BNGImcD0wJm49dUdQeDlJYnhRMHF0aVhYOWNiQ3ltUSZ0PUFBQUFBR0FaYnNZ[/img] Lights, Camera, Love - One OC is a hugely famous actor, the other is getting their big break in a rom com opposite the famous actor. The famous actor is probably an ass; the newcomer is probably starstruck and then rudely awakened. But somehow, they fall for each other during filming - and there are just so many reasons why this would be a problem. [/hider]