[b]WIP, MORE TO BE ADDED LATER[/b] [hider=Hello There] [img]https://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2015/12/Star-Wars-flags_Scott-Kelly_dezeen_936_0.jpg[/img] [b]Name of Nation: El Reino de Bettoña[/b] Government: Constitutional Monarchy Culture: -Ethnic distribution (Caelum, Dastrians, and Converted (Barbarians living in Bettoña) -traits of the Caelum -cold colored skin (all forms of blues, blue-greens, and violets) -glowing eyes -silver or black hair (most common) -traits of the barbarians -can range from any race, discovered and undiscovered -Cultural Ideals (different than every ethnicity) -Caelum (tradition above all, honor ancestors, death restores grace) -Dastrian-Humans (dastrian ideology mixed with honoring ancestors) -Religion -Eyes are a gift from the sun and skin is a gift from the moon -Sol (sun deity) and Luna (moon deity) -They would sacrifice an action (akin to lent) for fifteen rotations. History: -founded the year 1483 -used to be a republic (a coalition of many cities) -coalition came about from possible war with Dastria -civil war lead it to a kingdom, caused by corruption in gov officials -kingdom founded in 1746 -Lukos Marcellus was the Patriarch of the dynasty -Populist Rebellion led to Constitutional Monarchy -rebellion quelled through diplomacy and favors -War with Dastria (war of red sand, three-year war) (Bettoña loss due to civil war) and Barbarians (The Reconquista) -Reconquista was led to help expand their territory (1787-1802) -Lead up to the modern era Territorial Claims: South of Dastria Economy: Major trade partners: Dastria and The Celestial Empire Natural Resources: semi-arid Technology: ARMAS DE BATALLA MODELO 15: This is the chosen “rifle” for the penal units and legionaries who find themselves in CQC. Featuring a stock, iron scope, and double-action pin, this “rifle” (in reality it's just a revolver with a stock) fires five 10.9 mm rounds (the equivalent of a .44 magnum) before reloading ARMAS DE BATALLA MODELO 23: The common rifle used for legionaries, this lever-action rifle was chosen because of its customizability for whatever problem presents itself. Its quickly interchangeable barrels and other attachments can mean the difference between life or death. It fires .30-30 Wincestro rounds (just .30-30 Winchester but with a fancy name). Though it is made in mass and is customizable, the metals used to make it are cheap. The gun itself is prone to breaking if used for long periods of time or put under stress. Army: Bettoña has a small professional army, mainly consisting of Legatus’, Tribunus’, and Praefectus’. Their main fighting force comes from the required training and service from every able-bodied male and female Caelum, Dastrian, or Converted. The training lasts four months once the individual turns 20, or in some cases 19 if the guardian of the said individual allows it. Having an army size of roughly thirty-two thousand, the Bettoñan army is split up into six legions of five thousand men each. Each legion consisting of ten cohorts (500 soldiers each) and about 300 cavalrymen (commonly referred to as Turma) for each legion (now with modern times, you will see the Turma being trained as engineers as well). The ranks are as follows: Top brass: Typically appointed by Palrimento or El Rey, these ranks would be filled typically with Caelum, with rare instances of Dastrians and almost no instances of Converted. -Legatus Augusti (Imperial Legate): Commanded two Legions. -Legatus Legionis (Legion Legate): Under the command of the Legatus Augusti, in charge of one legion. -Tribunis (Tribune): Second in command of a legion, serving under the Legatus Legionis. Centurions: The lower-ranking officers, there were sixty of them in each legion (59 centurions and one Primaris Pilus). The higher ranking centurion would be the most in danger and would be getting higher pay -Primaris Pilus (First File): There is only one Primaris Pilus in each legion, they are the chief Centurion and the Forward Hastati of the First Cohort. -Forward Hastati: Centurion in charge of the first line. If it is the first Cohort, the rank goes to the Primaris Pilus. -Rear Hastati: Centurion in charge of the second line. -Forward Principes: Centurion in charge of the third line. -Rear Principes: Centurion in charge of the fourth line. -Forward Triarii: Centurion in charge of the fifth line. -Rear Triarii: Centurion in charge of the Sixth line. -Decurion: Apart from the typical Centurion hierarchy, the Decurions are the Cavalry officers, in charge of 10 to 30 Turma. -Primaris Decurion: In charge of all Turma in one legion. Citizen Ranks: These were the ranks of your typical soldiers. Optio: The second-in-command for each centurion Legionis: The typical infantryman Cornicern: Worked in tandem with the Centurions. The Centurion would issue a command, and the Cornicern would make sure that every Legionis knows of it. Decanus: In charge of a Conterburnium, or a ten-man unit. Navy: The Bettoñan military does not emphasize their navy, only having it to help protect the merchant ships from other nations and/or pirates. Their navy doctrine has always been a defensive one, seeing as any aggression led by their navy was met with disaster (heeding to the three years war against Dastria). Air Force: Bettoña’s air force is relatively new, only being founded six years ago. They have a small number of biplanes and an even smaller number of pilots, none of which are experienced in dogfighting. What shines in the Bettonan Air Force is their “close air support”. Because in reality, the air force is just there to support the Legions. Rolls: Land Area: 11 Land Fertility: 9 Natural Resources 9 Social Development: 9 Technological Development: 14 Industrial Development: 11 Total Economic Strength: 9 Land Power: 17 Naval Power: 14 Air Power: 12 Traits: “The crown serves the people, the people serve the crown.” A common phrase in Bettoña, the people have high trust in the government because of what the Marcellus dynasty has done for the people. “Death brings honor, no surrender.” The Bettoñan military has drilled its Legionis with the thoughts of honor through heroics and that a heroic death is the best honor one can have. This being said, it would be very rare to see a Bettonan soldier willingly surrender. Of course, the Penal Units don’t share the same thoughts... Foreign Relations: Part of the sphere Other: Notable Cohorts are The 5th Cohort and the 57th Cohort THE 5TH COHORT: The Sanguine Riders Notable for their plain white banner with three black raptor scratches. This all-Dastrian regiment is famous for their ferocity against opponents, even their own kin. Their first debut was during La Reconquista, in which they lead a charge against the Barbarians in the battle of the Dried Lake. They bought enough time for the ill-equipped Penal unit to retreat and for the professional soldiers to take their place. Even more famous than that charge was the final order from the Decurion Primaris of the 225 cavalrymen, Saldara Nunez. Before the charge, she left a final order to the Penal Unit. Have the reinforcements fire upon their position and kill the barbarian flank along with the cavalrymen. The 225 that charged that day, along with Saldara, received La Medalla de La Sol, the highest honor any Caelum, Dastrian, or Converted can receive. The cavalry regiment was officially named The Sanguine Riders. Fifty years later, famous Caelic painter Guillermo De La Cruz made an art piece immortalizing the Decurion Primaris and the brave 224 souls that rode with her entitled “Los Caballeros que Cabalgo al Infierno”, or “The Horseman who Rode to Hell.” [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ETBETMsWsAU0J98.jpg[/img] THE 57TH COHORT: Bellum Bettonan A new experimental unit in the Bettoñan military, they are the first cohort of Shock troopers. They typically carry explosives, large-caliber guns, and axes into combat. When ordered to, they inject themselves with a neuro-stimulant that pumps Adrenaline into their body, making them faster and stronger. This being said, this drug is highly experimental and has unknown effects on the body of the user. So uses of these drugs are monitored and only used when ordered to. Apart from that, the Cohort got their name from their dirty, barbaric fighting (after all, the regiment is made up of converted barbarians). They are like a chained dog just anxiously waiting to be let off its leash. [/hider]