[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210102/04bd11e7fc562474def4f74fc6339e81.png[/img][/center] The emotions filling the cavern were near stifling as accusations were thrown between clans. Hawkpaw looked nervously at each of the cats; many of them looked like they were ready to jump at each other's throats at any second. They couldn't do that right? Not here by the Moonbrook. Then again, someone already had, her eyes briefly trained back on the body of Russetfern floating limply in the reddish water. Dawnwing moved to touch her nose against one of Braveleap's ears. [b]"Let's get him out of the water. We will carry him home so the clan can sit vigil,"[/b] she meowed softly before giving a nod to Addertongue who gently gripped the back of Russetfern's neck, grimacing at the blood matted in the fur, and pulled him from the Moonbrook onto the silvered stones. Hawkpaw didn't feel comfortable enough to move closer to the grieving clanmates, but her heart ached for the kind tom. Instead she stepped towards Frostpaw and brushed her pelt with his hoping to offer some support. She could feel the smaller cat trembling faintly as he stared wide eyed at the arguing cats. If it came to a fight she doubted any of the medicine cats had much training, she herself had none. She looked up through the break in the ceiling hoping for some sign from StarClan that this should cease, but there was nothing. [b]"Peace Lavenderpaw."[/b] Willowcloud's striped tail flicked the apprentice in the side. [b]"There is no need for insults."[/b] Though her voice was fairly steady there was still a note of fear in her eyes as they looked between the rear of the cavern and the sloping tunnel that lead out of the cave. Shadeclaw opened his mouth to retort when Foxstar's voice echoed into the cavern. He nodded in agreement with his sister as she pressed up next to him. [b]"What do you have to say about this?"[/b] His voice was no longer raised but eyes were still narrowed with barely contained rage as he gestured with his tail towards the back of the cavern.